英语翻译Aquaculture or sea farming,as it is sometimes called----is one of the brightest hopes for finding an answer to the problem of a world food shortage.Although it may be years before aquaculture yields really large quantities of food,it is a

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 17:26:49

英语翻译Aquaculture or sea farming,as it is sometimes called----is one of the brightest hopes for finding an answer to the problem of a world food shortage.Although it may be years before aquaculture yields really large quantities of food,it is a
Aquaculture or sea farming,as it is sometimes called----is one of the brightest hopes for finding an answer to the problem of a world food shortage.Although it may be years before aquaculture yields really large quantities of food,it is already partially successful.One of its successful is the growing of oysters.
Oyster farming is a big new business on Cape Cod,where the first large crop of oysters was harvested last October.The waters there were famous for delicious oysters until the supply gave out about fifteen years ago.“There’s a whole generation of people who have never eaten oysters,” says Karl Touraine,marketing director of Aqua Dynamics Corporation,a company that grows oysters on strings hanging from metal racks.“For about twenty years the oyster has been in short supply,and our aim is to reverse this by using new,modern growing techniques,”he explains.
“Wareham,on Cape Cop,is the first place in the United States where oysters are being grown on racks in the off-bottom method,” says Hank McAvoy of the National Marine Fisheries Service in Gloucester.”But there’s nothing new about off-bottom raising,”Mr.McAvoy adds.”It’s been done successfully in Norway and Australia and,in the last few years,in Spain.The Japanese have used this form of aquaculture for years,and they’re the most successful,with a yearly crop of forty-six thousand pounds of shelled oyster to the acre.”
The Aqua Dynamics group grows oysters on strings,away from the bottom so that the oysters’natural enemies cannot reach them.‘When an oyster can avoid enemies and live in unpolluted water with plenty to eat,he’ll grow nice and fat in four years,” Karl Touraine explains.” Oysters will fasten themselves onto almost anything they can,” he continues.”At Wareham,we use shells,which we thread onto nylon strings hanging from metal racks.We lower the strings into the water,leaving at least a foot of water between the lowest shell and the bottom.
“So far the growth has been excellent and the taste just delightful,” Mr.Touraine notes happily.

英语翻译Aquaculture or sea farming,as it is sometimes called----is one of the brightest hopes for finding an answer to the problem of a world food shortage.Although it may be years before aquaculture yields really large quantities of food,it is a
在美国科德角,牡蛎养殖是新兴的产业,在上一年十月,第一作物牡蛎在这个地方获得了大丰收.这里的水以接近15年的时间持续养出美味的牡蛎而出名.“这里有一整代人都来没有吃过牡蛎,”Karl Touraine----水动力公司的营销主管,这所公司从金属支架上挂绳子来养殖牡蛎,“大约有20年的时间,牡蛎的供应一直很紧缺,我们的目标是通过用新的,现代化的科技来解决这个问题”,“科德角的韦勒姆,是美国第一个用离井底方法把牡蛎阳仔金属支架上的地方,”服务于格勒斯特国家海洋渔业局的Hank Mcavoy说.“但是这里没有任何关于离井底饲养的新方法”Mcvory补充.“然而在挪威和澳大利亚,还有最近几年在西班牙,这些都已经被实现了.日本用这种水产养殖的方式好多年了,他们是最成功的例子,每年46,000去壳牡蛎的产量”.
水动力公司在绳子上来养殖牡蛎,远离底部所以牡蛎的天地不能碰到它们.“当一个牡蛎可以避免敌人并且在没有污染的水里寻找到大量食物的时候,它会在四年内长得白白胖胖.”Karl Touraine解释说,“牡蛎会把自己粘附在所有它们可以附住的东西上,”他继续说,“在韦勒姆,我们用有尼龙绳绑在金属架上的贝壳.我们把绑着贝壳的绳子垂进水里,最长的绳子离底部至少有一英尺的距离.”目前为止牡蛎的发展得很好,味道也很好,Touraine先生很开心地说.

Besides, I hope I can study my favorite subject after entering university.
Keep tuition of the teachers in mind,
and make excellent perfor...


Besides, I hope I can study my favorite subject after entering university.
Keep tuition of the teachers in mind,
and make excellent performance in return for training of mother school after graduation.


英语翻译Aquaculture or sea farming,as it is sometimes called----is one of the brightest hopes for finding an answer to the problem of a world food shortage.Although it may be years before aquaculture yields really large quantities of food,it is a 英语翻译To understand global aquaculture — its potential and its problems — it helps to look at the industry's track record in China,a country responsible for 61% of the world's aquaculture.China has begun exporting industrially produced catf aquaculture operations是什么意思 journal of applied aquaculture是什么意思 英语翻译Palin's next move:Pivot or profit? 英语翻译one's own rule or code of conduct or devotion to such a code 英语翻译He's wearing a womans clothes (or womens clothes)? 英语翻译go to McDonald's or go to the Mcdonald's 英语翻译a man's reach should exceed his grasp or what's a heaven for? lt‘s my life,it's now or never 这句英语翻译下. 英语翻译A man's reach should exceed his grasp,or else what's Heaven for? 英语翻译This study investigated aspects of salinity on hatching viability and growth performance of fishto use as a measure for aquaculture in brackish water.The experiments were carried outunder controlled laboratory conditions.The hormonal indu 英语翻译Four hundred juvenile Siberian sturgeons were obtained from Qiandao Lake Sturgeon Company in Zhejiang Province.The fish were stocked in an indoor aquaculture facility located at the East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute of the Chine 英语翻译已知检索式 ((ct or comput?(1w)tomography) and (solid(s)rocket?or propellant?) and (nondestruct?or ndt or nde or ndi )) /de,id,ti,ab,1990-2000 ,请写出它的含义. 英语翻译已知检索式 ((ct or comput?(1w)tomography) and (solid(s)rocket?or propellant?) and (nondestruct?or ndt or nde or ndi )) /de,id,ti,ab,1990-2000 请写出它的含义。 英语翻译Manufaturer's joint stitches or staples must be no more than 63.5mm apart. 英语翻译hope you can feel happy no matter whether it rains or it's sunny 英语翻译Just wonder if it’s another client or I misunderstand anything?