即同义句转换有打引号的单词的句子,意思是在解释句子的时候只能改这个词,其他的词要不就不变化,要不就必须跟着这个单词的改变一起变化.1.The students were "questioned" about their interests.2.Mr.Wan

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 01:27:26

即同义句转换有打引号的单词的句子,意思是在解释句子的时候只能改这个词,其他的词要不就不变化,要不就必须跟着这个单词的改变一起变化.1.The students were "questioned" about their interests.2.Mr.Wan
1.The students were "questioned" about their interests.
2.Mr.Wang put the man behind bars.

即同义句转换有打引号的单词的句子,意思是在解释句子的时候只能改这个词,其他的词要不就不变化,要不就必须跟着这个单词的改变一起变化.1.The students were "questioned" about their interests.2.Mr.Wan
1.The students were asked about their interests.
2.= Mr Wang put the man into prison.
或 = Mr Wang sent the man to prison.
behind the bars意思是“关进牢里”.

1.The students were asked about their interests.

1.The students were "asked" about their interests.
2.The man was put behind bars by Mr. Wang

即同义句转换有打引号的单词的句子,意思是在解释句子的时候只能改这个词,其他的词要不就不变化,要不就必须跟着这个单词的改变一起变化.1.The students were questioned about their interests.2.Mr.Wan 有引号的句子,要求引号的意思是着重强调. 按要求把下面的句子的句型转换 those people are enjoying thenselves(同义句) those people are__ __ __ 我打错了,有四个空 有没有一句英文句子,意思是消极的,但句子重组后(即调换顺序),意思...有没有一句英文句子,意思是消极的,但句子重组后(即调换顺序),意思会变积极的? 中文繁体的引号(即 「」 ),电脑这个符号是怎么打出来的 英语句型转换的句子,包括同义句. 同义句转换,只把答案的句子写上, he is also on the school basketball team同义句转换转换的句子是个问句 英语同义句转换,要求把一个句子转换为用另一个单词的句子The city's growth in importance as a financial center has been slow.转换为用上evolveThe city's importance _________________________. Mike ,your haircut is {out of style},括号内的同义句转换,是2个空,填两个单词 是同义句转换 一.根据句意、汉语意思及所给单词完成句子.1.My cat weights two kilos.But l don't know my son's______(weight).2.Jim is ill.He has to take some_____(药)three times a day.3._____(辛运的是),he was not hurt badly.二.同义句转换. 把下面各句改成不用引号表示,而直接叙述的句子,意思不变 下面是初一英语的句子转换,同义句的转换,Lang Lang began to play piano when he was three years old.Lang Lang began to play piano______ _______ ________ _______three.(同义句转换) 谁会把“我想知道,到底是为什么要这样”翻译成英文翻译打引号的句子, I failed English.同义句转换,换的是fail 求英语好的大神解.是同义句转换. 法语句子有疑问Je n'ai rien de prévu.这句话的意思是:我没有什么计划.句中ne…de(即ne…pas在否定句中的形式)的意思表示了否定,已经是没有的意思了,而又有rien这个单词,其意又为没什么.这