请英语达人帮忙改改作文,The speakers assert that the conservation of the energy need the international cooperation,not the individual sacrifice .I strongly support the opinion,as we all know that there is no real relationship between two co

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 18:44:03

请英语达人帮忙改改作文,The speakers assert that the conservation of the energy need the international cooperation,not the individual sacrifice .I strongly support the opinion,as we all know that there is no real relationship between two co
The speakers assert that the conservation of the energy need the international cooperation,not the individual sacrifice .I strongly support the opinion,as we all know that there is no real relationship between two country,only the political and economic interest which is the true factor determine the extent of the friendship,so it is impossible that one country sacrifice for other countries voluntarily and gets no thing.Based on this point,I think the international cooperation is critical for the energy conservation.
First of all .I want to take the United Nations as an example which can illustrate my point clearly .Why was the UN established and what is the purpose?The UN was formally established after the world War Two (WWT)in order to strengthen the connections among the world countries and to prevent the big scale of destructive war like the WWT.More than sixty years has been passed ,the performance of UN is palpable,it had played a key role in the international affairs more than once ,it rescue many innocent lives in the Africa and diminish countless regional wars .all in all ,the establishment of UN was predictable and great success .the example about the UN can be applied to solve the problem regarding the energy conservation,in this things ,we also need a worldwide cooperation to set an agreement or deal protecting the energy .
Secondly ,though some individual countries can make concessions sacrificing themselves to benefit others ,these behaviors is helpless for the big plan .Because the distribution of energy is not centered on one country or two countries ,the effort of one or two countries is less ,we need many countries’ cooperation .,only by this ,we can accomplish the goal the energy conservation.
In conclusion,according to the success experience of establishment of UN and the geographical distribution of energy ,the international cooperation is necessary for the energy conservation.

请英语达人帮忙改改作文,The speakers assert that the conservation of the energy need the international cooperation,not the individual sacrifice .I strongly support the opinion,as we all know that there is no real relationship between two co
第一段 最后一小段
the example about the UN can be applied to solve the problem regarding the energy conservation, in this things ,we also need a worldwide cooperation to set an agreement or deal protecting the energy .
in this things == things 最好不要在正规语中出现
用 issue 或其他词代替
or deal pertecting the energy
or to deal with energy pertection
Secondly 这段
.Because the distribution of energy is not centered on one country or two countries , the effort of one or two countries is less ,we need many countries’ cooperation .,
we need many contries's cooperation
we should have alliance with other contries.

请英语达人帮忙改改作文,The speakers assert that the conservation of the energy need the international cooperation,not the individual sacrifice .I strongly support the opinion,as we all know that there is no real relationship between two co 谁能帮我改改英语作文?.. 帮忙改改 英语作文自我介绍,帮忙改改有没有语法错误和需要添加的内容 英语、帮忙改错.(病句)really terrible,obviously you're in fiont of me ,why I can not muddy the eyes of your face reflected on it ……这是个病句。达人帮忙改改…… 请帮忙改一篇英语作文(高分)急!原题都已给出.请英语强的人帮忙好好改改~如果被采用,麻烦大家了,假设你是小明,你家打算改善住房条件,现在有两套房子供选择;一套是郊区的传统式平房,一 请帮忙改改英语作文.Sunshine“Today is brutal,more brutal tomorrow,the day after tomorrow is beautiful,but the majority of people dies on tomorrow night,can’t see the next day’s sunshine.”,by Jack Ma,founder of Alibaba.I do have a drea 请帮忙改改英语作文,If I were a birdIf I were a bird,I would fly in the sky freely.If I were a bird,I wouldn't be worried about my study,and I wouldn't take the examination,too.I think bird is a symbol of freedom,it can fly to everywhere.if I 请老师帮忙改改英语作文,Dear Bob,Last week I made a survey in my class about the universities they would like to go.I’m writing to tell you the result.70 percent of my classmates choose universities in our province.They think there are mo 帮忙改改托福作文~~~~谢谢啦!谢谢啦~~~~真心请你们帮我改改作文··7月份要考试了,作文还没什么头绪.呜呜···我全部的分就这点了,不好意思哇!Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It’s 英语作文,大侠帮忙改改Should the university campus be open to tourists Nowadays,with the development of tourist industry,the top university campus are becoming a new hot tourist attraction.Different people have different opinions about wheth 请哪位老师帮忙改改英语作文,指出错误指出,Dear Henry,I’m glad to receive you letter.It’s a pleasure form me to tell you my plan of this coming summer vacation after the college entrance examination.First of all,a good rest is nee 请老师帮忙改改英语作文,按高考要求满分25分,应该给几分?(单词要求100左右)谢谢!Dear Mr Smith,I’m terribly sorry to tell you that I can’t join in the outing that you organize for on Sunday morning.I broke my foot ye 请老师帮忙改改英语作文,Dear Eric,Thanks for your email telling me how much you want to work in china.In fact,New Century needs an international sales manager.You will need a range of skill to get the job.These include being fluent in Engli 英语达人们帮忙改改这篇5句话作文吧!是有关虎妈的语法错误什么的Amy Chua,the writer of Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother,is the professor of Yale university.The book which came out in 2010 is a story about how Amy Chua taught h [英语问题]自己写的可能会有语法问题,或者不够地道,请英语大侠帮忙改改.During my internship,I was confused about the customer's question.So I know,we must do more perpare 抗震救灾英语作文(帮忙改改)Strong earthquake damage so large,to show once again brought out.In the vicinity of the epicenter,and in some cities and villages,many houses collapsed and damaged roads,telecommunications disruption,many sch 帮我改改英文作文这是一篇日记(题目是休闲活动),如果格式或者其他地方错了请帮忙改改.Dear Diary,Today is my school holiday ,I play all day.In the morning,my parent and I went to teahouse,we ate dim sum and chatted.Lat