
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 22:16:44


Sincere invite you and your friends visit out company,and inspect the city's investment environment.we will afford your accommodation and transport costs when you are here.Please contact us as soon as possible and confirm arrival time,in order to let us prepare the reception.
wish you good health and prosperity of your company!
confirm of participate :acknowledgment participants and the guests,welcome dinner,the participants,greeters,
Please be on the 20th before acknowledgment fax or by mail to the company

Sincere invited you and your friends when I visit companies, and inspected the city's investment environment. When your city's accommodation, transport costs will be us! Please contact us as soon as p...


Sincere invited you and your friends when I visit companies, and inspected the city's investment environment. When your city's accommodation, transport costs will be us! Please contact us as soon as possible and confirm arrival time, in order to do a good job in preparing the reception. I wish you good health and prosperity of your company!
There are the words : acknowledgment participants and the guests, a dinner reception, the participants, greeters,
Please be on the 20th before acknowledgment fax or by mail to the company


Dear Sir/Madam,
Sincerely, we invite you and your friends to our company and then you may investigate the investment environments of our city. And we will afford all your costs of accommodations a...


Dear Sir/Madam,
Sincerely, we invite you and your friends to our company and then you may investigate the investment environments of our city. And we will afford all your costs of accommodations and transportation.
Please contact us to confirm your arrival time as early as possible and we can make the necessary preparation.
Best regards
Yours Sincerely
与会回执attendance receipt
来宾报道guest introduction
招待晚宴receiption dinner
Please send the receipt(via fax or mail) back before 20th.


英语翻译诚挚邀请阁下和您的朋友届时光临我公司,并考察我市的投资环境.届时您在我市的住宿、交通费用将由我们承担!请尽早与我们联系确认到达时间,以便做好接待准备.祝阁下身体健康, 英语翻译尊敬的______________先生/女士:  我们诚挚的邀请您参加扬州市杭集创意设计园(中国日化用品设计中心)开园仪式,期待您的光临! 英语翻译原文如下:尊敬的 先生/女士您好!很荣幸的邀请您参加巴基斯坦美食节.欢迎您届时光临.时间:地点:····主题餐厅注:请正装出席请按标准邀请函格式去写,我不要在线翻译的那 “诚挚邀请您参加我们的婚礼”英文怎么说? 我的朋友经常邀请我一起吃饭 英语翻译速度! 升学请帖怎么写,清按照我的格式,光临 (后面写什么)届时恭请 (后面写什么)敬备菲酌 (后面写什么)农历和公历多少要大些还是小写,你帮忙写下2010年. 英语翻译'以纯洁诚挚的心追求爱情和幸福' 英语翻译正月初四,我将和XX大婚,携手共结连理,届时欢迎各位光临同乐共庆!如不知路线者可致电18XXXXXXX. 诚挚地邀请您参加此次会议英语怎么说 下次光临和再次光临的区别 英语翻译英语信件翻译求高手主委会,我的作品十分荣幸可以参与到今年的海报节.谢谢您诚挚的邀请,可惜的是,由于种种原因,我无法亲临现场,在此向你表示歉意.我会时刻关注官方脸书的更新 英语翻译尊敬的:老师我们诚挚的邀请您参加将于2010年9月9日星期四晚于澳华体育馆举行的“以爱为名”主题教师节晚会.敬请莅临. 谢谢你的邀请,我很想去,但是我在那一天要帮妈妈做事,我还要和朋友出去看电影.(用英语翻译) 英语翻译请帮我翻译成英文!我们诚挚地邀请您参加将于2010年12月17—20日 在中国云南省德宏州芒市举行的“首届中国芒市(国际)咖啡文化节”.“首届中国芒市(国际)咖啡文化节”的主题是: 用英语翻译昨天我的所有朋友都被邀请参加晚会了.请尽快回答. 用英语翻译邀请信亲爱的史密斯夫人:我的丈夫和我在下星期六下午六时半,拟请您和令媛吃饭.如能光临,很是荣幸.我正在邀请其他几个客人.餐后举行音乐演奏,如安妮愿意将小提琴随身带来, 英语翻译翻译:欢迎来到我的个人空间,谢谢你的光临. 每一颗小星星里面都代表了我对您最诚挚的祝福,祝您教师节快乐 用英语翻译