还是英语填空,用课文中所学的词汇与结构完成下列对话:1.A:It seems to be very important to( )my study if I want to get a good job.B:Yes,whatever kind of work it is,personal( )is essential.2.A:I( )to further my stud

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 05:50:26

还是英语填空,用课文中所学的词汇与结构完成下列对话:1.A:It seems to be very important to( )my study if I want to get a good job.B:Yes,whatever kind of work it is,personal( )is essential.2.A:I( )to further my stud
1.A:It seems to be very important to( )my study if I want to get a good job.
B:Yes,whatever kind of work it is,personal( )is essential.
2.A:I( )to further my study when I graduate from college.
B:( )do I.
3.A:What( )you so happy?
B:I just know that I have( )my final exams.
4.A:Where did you live when you studied at the university?
B:On( ).I enjoyed my time there.
5.A:Yesterday I made a( )call to our friend,Tom,who said he will come to see us next week.
B:So great!We have not seen him for ages!I am( )seeing him soon.
6.A:How did you( )with you college students on the first day there?
B:Quite well,they are friendly and ready to help me.
7.A:Did you pay your( )fees on your own?
B:Yes,I won a scholarship and did a part-time job in my free time.
8.A:Did you do any housework in your family when young?
B:Yes,I often did the( ),made the bed,dusted the rooms and so on.

还是英语填空,用课文中所学的词汇与结构完成下列对话:1.A:It seems to be very important to( )my study if I want to get a good job.B:Yes,whatever kind of work it is,personal( )is essential.2.A:I( )to further my stud
1.A:It seems to be very important to( continue )my study if I want to get a good job.
B:Yes,whatever kind of work it is,personal( qualities )is essential.
2.A:I( want )to further my study when I graduate from college.
B:( So )do I.
3.A:What( make )you so happy?
B:I just know that I have( passed )my final exams.
4.A:Where did you live when you studied at the university?
B:On( apartment ).I enjoyed my time there.
5.A:Yesterday I made a( telephone )call to our friend,Tom,who said he will come to see us next week.
B:So great!We have not seen him for ages!I am( )seeing him soon.
6.A:How did you( get on )with you college students on the first day there?
B:Quite well,they are friendly and ready to help me.
7.A:Did you pay your( education )fees on your own?
B:Yes,I won a scholarship and did a part-time job in my free time.
8.A:Did you do any housework in your family when young?
B:Yes,I often did the( housework ),made the bed,dusted the rooms and so on.

还是英语填空,用课文中所学的词汇与结构完成下列对话:1.A:It seems to be very important to( )my study if I want to get a good job.B:Yes,whatever kind of work it is,personal( )is essential.2.A:I( )to further my stud 英语作文:你能用你所学过的知识想象并描述你未来的理想学校吗?词汇范围:外语教学与研究出版社 初一M4词汇 英语想提高词汇量怎么办?是学新概念背里面的课文单词还是背四级词汇? 用方框中所给的词汇正确形式填空 英语好的进 词汇填空题 专插本《词汇与语法结构,完型填空,阅读理解,写作》训练的书有哪些,能介绍一两本吗 大学英语词汇量问题大学精读6本总词汇与四六级词汇关系是什么?另外每篇课文后面列出的与高中词汇好像是不是有重复的?泛读呢词汇又是怎么回事? 专八词汇与托福词汇的差别?考专八是背托福词汇好还是背专八词汇呢? 英语填空~Do you like your subjects,John?Yes,I ______ _______ _______ all subjects.用所学的单词填空 初中所学的句子结构 人教版高一英语必修3课文词汇,的mp3录音 2012年六级英语是完型还是改错?还有仔细阅读是词汇填空还是短句填空? 请问英语独立结构中,怎样区分该用现在分词还是过去分词呢?是根据逻辑与主语的主被动关系,还是根据时态呢? 如何才能学会用英语讲课?还有讲课文的时候该怎么讲课文结构? 宜都记中,根据“非日中夜半,不见曦月”,写出一个所学文言课文中与起意思相同的名句 英语中很多”的词汇与短语比如说:many ,a lot of之类的,最好能写出他是用于可数名词还是不可数名词. 怎样克服高二英语阅读理解和完型填空的词汇障碍? 英语作文根据所学的食品词汇介绍一下自己家人的喜欢口味,食物 50词,先到选最佳答案