请问这篇作文还能过6分及格线吗?(英语很烂)In the present,the internet exists in our life more and more,which can supply us a approach of contacting with each other,with quickening developing society,the internet will be more compr

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 07:26:46

请问这篇作文还能过6分及格线吗?(英语很烂)In the present,the internet exists in our life more and more,which can supply us a approach of contacting with each other,with quickening developing society,the internet will be more compr
In the present,the internet exists in our life more and more,which can supply us a approach of contacting with each other,with quickening developing society,the internet will be more comprehensively used by people.
Although internet enable us to contact with each other easily,which makes us not be able to get the chance of face-to-face with our friends,it goes without saying that depending on internet can't contribute us to get better contact with our friends and some strangers
So,obviously,we should break the habit of expressively(写错) depending on competer(拼错),by doing which can us get more chances of face -to-face with our friends,and enable us to get more friendship.


请问这篇作文还能过6分及格线吗?(英语很烂)In the present,the internet exists in our life more and more,which can supply us a approach of contacting with each other,with quickening developing society,the internet will be more compr

可以 老师不会非常仔细看 大概看分段、结构等


请问这篇作文还能过6分及格线吗?(英语很烂)In the present,the internet exists in our life more and more,which can supply us a approach of contacting with each other,with quickening developing society,the internet will be more compr 请问这篇作文还能过6分及格线吗?(英语很烂)In the present,the internet exists in our life more and more,which can supply us a approach of contacting with each other,with quickening developing society,the internet will be more compr 2010年6月英语6级估分我听力差不多23分 阅读不好只有19分 综合8分 作文能及格 请问我六级能过吗 大概多少分 英语专四大作文跑题了,还能及格不? 疑问:作文的及格分是多少?经常听人说英语作文给个及格分.两篇作文一共30分,是不是18分就是个及格分?这次两篇作文到达18分,我才有可能过国家线啊!帮参谋一下,感激 09年6月英语四级及格线是多少?447分能过么及格线一般什么时候下来 英语专四听力对了15个,阅读对了15个,完型对了13个,语法对了13个,听写算及格分,作文算及格吧,能过吗 大学英语补考能过吗?声明一下,英语我实在是不懂啊,60分及格考了34分,怎么补考啊?怎么才能过啊? 2010年12月英语四级及格线我考了425分.能过吗.每年的及格线都一样吗 请问一下今年四级考了425能过吗?大家都说分数线是426?今年有准确的及格线么?及格线什么时候公布? 英语四级作文及格是多少分啊?作文不及格不算过线是吗?望详解… 英语四级完型错7个,阅读错一个,听力只对了13个,作文和翻译应该能及格,请问能过吗? 我仰卧起坐33个,36及格,请问我能得多少分今年体育50米9秒1(8秒6及格?)800米3分43(3分50及格?)跳远165(165及格?)15米运球10秒(14秒及格?)仰卧33个(36及格?)综合看能及格不? 2013年6月四级425分算不算过线了?本屌高中英语就没及格过,这成绩算不算过啊,不能过那就又要悲惨一学期看英语了 英语只有36分,应该如何提到及格?不补习,谁能给我几个建议,现在学还来得及吗? 英语六级是不是作文必须过60分才能及格? 英语三级作文和范文一样,选择题在60分以上.请问能通过吗?作文0分,总分60多算过吗? 请问我高中英语这水平,大学四级一次性通过的概率是多少高三平均成绩高出及格线10分左右,高考英语差两分及格.高三还算比较认真.现在大一.词汇量太差.请问一年后过四级的概率?如果认真