
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 00:56:35


Small and medium-sized commercial Banks,is the product of socialist market economy in 1986,bank of communications,established marked China's four big state-owned commercial Banks to the situation of unify the whole country is broken,entered the pluralism of the financial times.For more than 20 years,the small and medium-sized commercial Banks in the market economic system reform in develop steadily,the role of fetching attention,it is also added the state-owned Banks market,and activated the national vulnerability financial system,has become an important constituent of the financial system.But let macro decision the worry is that the small and medium-sized Banks existing assets quality not beautiful,anti-risk ability is limited,the low efficiency and other major issues.Facing WTO brings market environment,and small and medium-sized Banks should rapid transition how to further strengthen ourselves,to meet new challenges and opportunities in China's financial industry,is an important problem in front of.

Brief talk on making the ecological design of traditional vernacular dwelling serve the present
【Abstract】For realizing a concrete eco-design, the material and technology are two elements that are...


Brief talk on making the ecological design of traditional vernacular dwelling serve the present
【Abstract】For realizing a concrete eco-design, the material and technology are two elements that are unable to be totally ignored.However, high-tech is not the very unique channel to achieve the design.How to controll the "degree" of applying high-tech and whether we can carry out the eco-design via utilizing high-tech moderately are two questions that we should consider seriously. An eco-building with moderate technology achieves its ecological intent by using fewer or even no industrial production technology.We can be inspired from many traditional buildings.Although traditional vernacular dwelling has its "primitive" and "crude" sides and not totally comes up to the modern life style, there are still many accordant ecological thought, design skill and technical measures in traditional and modern construction, which enabled our ancestors to achieve the goals of saving energy and protecting the environment long before. The thesis elementarily discusses the inspiration of traditional architectural technology and thought to the modern eco-achitecture through analysing the traditional ecological design skill.
【Keywords】 traditional vernacular dwelling , ecological design,modern architecture,energy saving,environmental protection


Small and medium-sized commercial Banks, is the product of socialist market economy in 1986, bank of communications, establ...


Small and medium-sized commercial Banks, is the product of socialist market economy in 1986, bank of communications, established marked China's four big state-owned commercial Banks to the situation of unify the whole country is broken, entered the pluralism of the financial times.
For more than 20 years, the small and medium-sized commercial Banks in the market economic system reform in develop steadily, the role of fetching attention, it is also added the state-owned Banks market, and activated the national vulnerability financial system, has become an important constituent of the financial system.
But let macro decision the worry is that the small and medium-sized Banks existing assets quality not beautiful, anti-risk ability is limited, the low efficiency and other major issues.
Facing WTO brings market environment, and small and medium-sized Banks should rapid transition how to further strengthen ourselves, to meet new challenges and opportunities in China's financial industry, is an important problem in front of.


英语翻译中小商业银行是金融体系的重要组成部分,对国民经济有独特的支持作用.我国中小商业银行是社会主义市场经济的产物,经过十多年的发展,已与国有大商业银行形成了一定的竞争格局 英语翻译中小商业银行,是社会主义市场经济的产物,以1986年交通银行成立为标志,中国四大国有商业银行一统天下的局面被打破,进入了金融主体多元化的时代.20多年来,中小商业银行在市场经 英语翻译要翻译句子 中小商业银行,是社会主义市场经济的产物,20多年来,中小商业银行在市场经济体制改革中稳步发展,所起的作用也引人关注,它既补充了国有银行的市场漏洞,又激 英语翻译我国中小商业银行近年来发展迅速,但其发展和盈利空间不断缩小、经营管理受到严峻挑战,国内外的各种研究资料和实际情况表明,在激烈的银行业竞争中,中小商业银行只要立足于自 英语翻译商业银行危机是对银行价值或目标造成的一种威胁和危害,不仅威胁带商业银行基本目标的实现,而且会造成商业银行组织体系紊乱,给商业银行带来经济、财产上的巨大损失.进一步地 英语翻译中国特色的社会主义市场经济摸着石头过河 英语翻译近几年,我国商业银行施行股份制改革,使商业银行不良贷款率大幅下降,但这并非是基于体制上的根本改革,贷款基数的迅速扩张以及贷款的长期化趋势在很大程度上掩盖了商业银行的 英语翻译摘 要内部控制是商业银行建立现代企业制度的客观要求,也是商业银行防范金融风险的有效手段.商业银行内部控制制度建设关系到它的经营运行是否有效、合规、合法,它是经营运行 商业银行到底是属于城市商业银行呢 还是其他金融机构 英语翻译商业银行柜台业务实践 是我们大学的一门课程,打英文成绩单时很郁闷, 商业银行之所以有超额储备,是因为? 国家开发银行是商业银行还是行政部门 我国商业银行的主体业务是 英语翻译1、流动性风险作为金融机构日常管理的一部分,其重要性是不容忽视的.2、本篇文章主要是从商业银行的角度来研究流动性风险及其管理策略.3、首先阐述商业银行流动性风险的内涵 英语翻译[论我国信用卡产业发展模式]商业银行是现代市场经济中金融体系的主体,在一国的经济运行中发挥着重要作用.改革开放以来,我国商业银行的数量不断增加,规模不断扩大.加入世贸组 英语翻译sme是中小企业的简称还有 廊坊市中小企业联合会 的英文 发展社会主义市场经济的根本目的是 公有制经济是社会主义市场经济的组成部分吗?