
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 22:28:56


颓废:1.decadence 2.depravation 3.decadency 4.lepra Examples:1.20世纪初,许多保守主义者认为印象派的艺术是颓废的.Many conservatives in the early 1900's thought impressionistic art was decadent.2.那自称为颓废派者,由于深信自己已毫无希望地全身麻痹而坚持要躺下来.The self-style decadent insists on lying down in the belief that he is hopelessly paralyzed.3.颓废派艺术家颓废派运动的一员 A member of the Decadence movement.精神颓废 a broken spirit 颓废的艺术 effeminate art 一群自鸣颓废的知识分子 an effete group of self - professed intellectuals.精神颓废的孤独者们在思考他们的命运(弗朗辛·杜·普莱西克斯·格雷) anomic loners musing over their fate(Francine du Plessix Gray) 垮了的一代(20世纪50年代末出现于美国知识阶层中的一个颓废流派,以蓄长发、穿奇装异服、吸毒、反对世俗陈规、排斥温情、强调个性自我表达等为特征.) beat generation 颓丧地垂下头来 sink one's head upon one's chest 失败后垂头丧气; looked downcast after his defeat; 垂头丧气的年轻人),a disappointed young man) 他垂头丧气.His crest falls.拿出精神来!别垂头丧气!Brighten up!转自