
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 12:16:56


My classmates and i plan to climb a mountain this summer.I got up in 6 pm on August 8,and we meet at the school gate at 6:30.We came to the foot of the mountain at 8:00.This is the beginning of our climbing trip.
The day is a sunny day and we all very excited.We enjoy the scenery on our climbing .There are many trees and wild flowers along the road and the birds sang at times.There are many other people climbed like us and some of them is the old man and children .We sang songs together in the later.We are tired when climbing to the halfway.We sat down aside the tree .Someone sleep and someone eat and others in chatting.Then We continue to climb the mountain .We took a lot photos when climbing .When we was tired we encourage each other ,
so we all persistence to climb to the top of the mountain .We played some time then we back down .
This mountain climbing is an unforgettable experience to me.It makes me understand that we will met with many difficulties in the way of success ,but if we aways insist on we will success in the end .tyytd


Climbing the Daqing Hill Sunday,18th,December,2011
It was Sunday ,18th,December,2011,and it was a fine day.Our class went to the Daqing Hill.We went by bus.We met...


Climbing the Daqing Hill Sunday,18th,December,2011
It was Sunday ,18th,December,2011,and it was a fine day.Our class went to the Daqing Hill.We went by bus.We met at the school gate at 8:00 in the morning and started out at 8:15.We got to the foot of the hill at 8:30 and began to climb it.It took us about one hour and a half to get to the top of the hill.We got to the top of the hill at 10:00.We enjoyed the beautiful scenery and played games.Soon it was lunch time and we had our lunch at the top.In the afternoon we had different kinds of activities freely.Then we returned to our s chool at 5:30 pm. We all had fun.


作文.星期天你班组织去大青山爬山活动.英语作文 求 会考英语作文!重谢星期天你班组织去大青山爬山活动.活动情况:八点在校门口集合乘公共汽车!八点半开始爬山,十点到达山顶!中午在山顶就餐!午后自由活动!下午五点半返校!写一篇日记.一 英语作文速求星期天你班组织去大青山,八点在校门口集合公车,八点半开始爬,十点到山顶,中午在山顶就餐,午饭后自由活动,下午五点半返校,没屏蔽了 速求英语日记,作文材料:星期天你班组织爬大青山活动,8:00在校门口集合乘公共汽车,8:30开始爬山,...速求英语日记,作文材料:星期天你班组织爬大青山活动,8:00在校门口集合乘公共汽车, 英语作文 星期天 大青山爬山 星期天我班组织了去大青山爬山活动英语日记八点在校门口集合乘公共汽车.八点半开始爬山.十点到达山顶.中午在山顶就餐.午饭后自由活动.下午五点半返校 提出你的疑问英语作文,星期天,班级组织去大青山爬山活动,八点在校门口集合乘公共汽车,八点办开始爬山 去大青山爬山活动 求英语作文 100词? 帮写1篇英语作文,我只等到9点50分:2011年1月18日(星期天),天气晴朗,你班组织全体同学到学校附近的一...帮写1篇英语作文,我只等到9点50分:2011年1月18日(星期天),天气晴朗,你班组织全体同学到学 英语作文 星期天你打算去哪里,去干什么 英语作文星期天你打算去哪里 去哪里干什么 英语作文,求100词左右的英语日记 英语作文,星期天,班级组织去大青山爬山活动,八点在校门口集合乘公共汽车,八点办开始爬山,十点到达山顶,中午在山顶就餐,午饭后自由活动,下午五点办返校 英语作文.上星期天,你去了哪里?吃了什么?心情如何? 英语书面表达 星期天班里组织去大青山爬山活动八点在校门口集合乘公共汽车;八点三十开始爬山,十点到山顶;中午在山顶就餐:午饭后自由活动:下午五点三十返校 假如星期天你和朋友一起去仁爱农场去野餐写一篇50字英语 英语作文 我星期天早上去看你翻译成英语怎么说? 英语作文:给你的朋友写一封信,介绍一下你星期天去公园野餐的情况,不少于50个单词. 请你写一篇英语作文 把这个星期天你和Amy去动物园的经过和结果写下来