not only放在句首,后接句子时要用倒装结构.那为什么Not only you but also he is a student.Not only he but you are a student.这两句话不用倒装?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 06:00:43

not only放在句首,后接句子时要用倒装结构.那为什么Not only you but also he is a student.Not only he but you are a student.这两句话不用倒装?
not only放在句首,后接句子时要用倒装结构.那为什么Not only you but also he is a student.
Not only he but you are a student.这两句话不用倒装?

not only放在句首,后接句子时要用倒装结构.那为什么Not only you but also he is a student.Not only he but you are a student.这两句话不用倒装?
例如,Here comes the bus!(车来了!),介词(here)提前,后面倒装,这是一种倒装情况.
但是你也有听过Here we go!(我们走吧!)而不是说Here go we!,这句没有倒装,同上,就是标志倒装被提前的那个词(Here)后面,是人称代词,所以不倒装.

not only放在句首,后接句子时要用倒装结构.那为什么Not only you but also he is a student.Not only he but you are a student.这两句话不用倒装? 什么时侯主语或谓语放在not only ---but also的前或后?not only放在句首,后接句子时要用倒装结构。那为什么Not only you but also he is a student.Not only he but you are a student.这两句话不用倒装? not only.but also怎么用?麻烦写个例句,要not only在句首的, not only but also要倒装吗我这句话“The reason why I was late is that not only did I get up late but missed the early bus.还有,这句话里not only but also放在从句的句首,but后的主语与not only的主语一致,这个主语I可以 是不是:not only .but also 引导的倒装句 要在not only 后面部分倒装? not only 与 倒装我认为not only没有放在句首(as a result在句首),不需要倒装,但答案为was teschers' energy saved ,还有类似的倒装实例吗?请举例,谢谢 Not only has he been to Canada,but also he knows some Canadians.解析这句话这是连接什么成分,还可以不把not only放在句首写出同义句吗? 举两个例子 :not only……but also 连接两个句子时,部分倒装的例子 英语翻译用only 放在句首的句子翻译谢谢 关于Not only 放在句首时的倒装Not only were they deprived of some of the human rights,but also they were maltreated.这句话倒装部分是错的,为什么?这句话不对,要把not only放到句中,变成They were not only deprived 倒装句顺序Not only will kids improve their cardiovascular and muscular strength.改成正常顺序应该是:Kids will not only improve their cardiovascular and muscular strength.为什么谓语倒装是Not only will呢?要把not only放在will 英语 主系表如he is good 若放在Not only在句首之类的句子,怎么部分倒装?不是部分倒吗? 在写句子时什么时候要加介词 用英语说一句话.May not不可以放在句首.为什么May not不可以放在句首? not even放在句首什么意思? not only 放在句首不 倒装可以吗?请指教! not only ...but also 放在谓语什么位置? not only 放在动词前还是后边