when i told them what john had don,they (went wild)括号里的词的意思是?became very angry,become very happy,ran wild.应该选择哪一个呢?go wild不是气的或欢喜的发狂的意思吗?为什么答案选的是第一个?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 18:12:01

when i told them what john had don,they (went wild)括号里的词的意思是?became very angry,become very happy,ran wild.应该选择哪一个呢?go wild不是气的或欢喜的发狂的意思吗?为什么答案选的是第一个?
when i told them what john had don,they (went wild)括号里的词的意思是?
became very angry,become very happy,ran wild.应该选择哪一个呢?go wild不是气的或欢喜的发狂的意思吗?为什么答案选的是第一个?

when i told them what john had don,they (went wild)括号里的词的意思是?became very angry,become very happy,ran wild.应该选择哪一个呢?go wild不是气的或欢喜的发狂的意思吗?为什么答案选的是第一个?
选项都是表示 “变得…起来” 的系表结构.
  go 作为系动词表示“开始变为某种状态”,因此第一项 went wild 的意思是 “开始变得愤怒起来”;became 作为系动词表示“逐步发展为某种状态”,所以第二三项 became very angry 和 become very happy 的意思分别指 “逐步生起气来” 和 “逐步高兴起来”;run 作为系动词表示 “迅速变为某种状态”,最后一项ran wild 的意思指的是 “突然愤怒起来”.
  本题前面说的是 “我告诉他们约翰做了什么”,那么,在他们听到此事的时候,不是愤怒起来,就是生起气来,或是高兴起来.从语法角度说,四个选项都成立.但是从情理上说,“逐步” 和 “突然” 都不符合前面所说的情景.

变得生气的意思 就是第一个囖。


go wild是狂怒的意思


i introduced.to.and told them造句 they all looked ______ at me when I told them the good news填 happy/ happily选哪一个 1.Tom said to me,Have you make a decision to go climbing?(改为间接引语) Tom___ me______ I _______ _______ a decision to go climbing.2.All of them have told Ann about it.(改为被动语态) Ann_____ ______ ______ ______it by all of them.3.Wha When I was 5 years old,my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life.When I went to school they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up .I wrote down 'happy'.They told me I didn't understand the assignment ,and I told them they didn Tom flipped out when I told him. i gota kown when to go you told i gota kown when to go you told me When I walk past,I hear them shour .(改错) I started collecting them when I was6 years I lied when he told me not to.这句话成立吗?还是when he told me not 英语翻译请翻译:I told them that everyone is 37 ,and that they all looked just as different to the other boy as he did to them.全文如下:About a week ago,when I was playing basketball at our local park,I noticed a small group of boys picking i wonder when i told u i love u,it is so strange翻译中文? i wonder when i told u i love u,it is so strang... i told the visitors about them and their living habits.采纳等着你们. I told you you did not hear them rolling?到底是什么意思啊? do that before I kill them是什么意思told him ____she came for.是 what 还是why The farmers ______(pick) apples when I saw them. when i arrived at his office ,i()that he()out1.told,had been2.wastold ,was3.had told,was4.was told,hadbeen when I got to this office,I ( ) that he ( ) out.A toldl;had beenB was told;was C had told;wasD was told;had been