
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 05:01:21


Hankyung was some kinda pro (1984),feb.9 - is Chinese pop singer and actress.Once the Junior members of the Super China and its combination of Super Junior - M,captain now and SM entertainment company contract.Hankyung was some kinda pro,especially at the dance is a traditional dance of ethnic minorities.Hankyung was some kinda pro is the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games torch bearers and become the first in the history of the torch was chosen men band members.
韩庚(1984年2月9日-),是中国流行歌手和演员.曾经是Super Junior唯一的中国成员和其子组合Super Junior-M的队长,目前已与SM公司解约.韩庚的舞蹈众所周知,尤其善于少数民族的传统舞蹈 .韩庚也是2008年北京奥运会的火炬手,成为历史上第一个被选中传递火炬的男子乐队成员.
In 1990 to 1996,hankyung was some kinda pro enrolled in mudanjiang northeast guanghua school.In 1996,at the age of 12 in Beijing alone,hankyung was some kinda pro,national central university for nationalities specializing in the dance,and also learn ballet,wu
.With outstanding talented him during The Times to the United States,Russia,Hong Kong,Taiwan and Macao,etc.In 1999,representing the hezhe nationality minority adolescents participated in the 50th anniversary of the National Day parade.In 2002,the system has studied 56 ethnic dancing,from the central university for nationalities hankyung was some kinda pro.He graduated from the report 3 dance performance - hunter ","grass color","on the journey.In 2001,hankyung was some kinda pro companies in China attended SM selection activities held H.O.T.C "hina",with its outstanding appearance,dancing and talent,30:1 ratio in many contenders.In march,2003,the 19-year-old hankyung was some kinda pro companies began to South Korea into practice life,SM experienced more than two years of singing,dancing and acting and singing,language practice and training etc,meantime,hankyung was some kinda pro individually in South Korea attended many reports,and T stage of magazines.November 2005,SM entertainment companies to Asia and entertainment market SuperJunior launched a "combination".This is a combined from the start on,and in a short time is fast.But,as the only hankyung was some kinda pro and is the first Chinese member of Chinese official debut in Korea,become the combination.On November 6,2005,the popularity of the songs by SuJu TWINS ","repertoire official debut,officially on his hankyung was some kinda pro's performance.On April 24,2006,for the first time with hankyung was some kinda pro returned to the motherland,the singer got hundreds of fans greeted the enthusiasm.
On June 16,2006,China in Qingdao,introduction,the festival first hankyung was some kinda pro sweat and enthusiasm in our country's land shed.February 2007,the first recorded hankyung was some kinda pro interviews the domestic,and engaged luyu after his first and domestic g,had a wonderful meal nice and 23 years old birthday.During the dinner,the same birthday independent lyricist,composer,making the wings of love "as the meal to such-and-such the best gift hankyung was some kinda pro in front of everyone present.
术.期间拥有出众才华的他多次随团到美国、俄罗斯、香港、台湾、澳门等地演出.1999年,代表少数民族青少年的赫哲族参加了50周年的国庆阅兵仪式.2002年,系统学习了56个民族舞蹈的韩庚,从中央民族大学毕业.毕业汇报中他表演了3支舞蹈--《猎人》、《草色茫茫》、《踏上征途》.2001年,韩庚参加了SM公司在中国举行的选拔活动“H.O.T.China”,凭借其出众的外形、舞技及才华,以3000:1的比例在众多参选者中脱颖而出.2003年3月,年仅19岁的韩庚前往韩国进入SM公司开始练习生活,经历了2年多的演唱、舞蹈、演技、声乐、语言等多方面的练习和培训,其间,韩庚以个人身份在韩国参加了多次T台show,以及各类服装杂志拍摄.2005年11月,SM娱乐公司面向亚洲娱乐市场推出了“SuperJunior”组合.这一组合从一开始便引起各方关注,并在短短时间内就迅速走红.而韩庚,作为其中唯一的中国成员并且是第一位正式在韩国出道的中国人,成为组合的亮点.2005年11月6 日,SuJu的人气歌谣以曲目“TWINS”正式出道,韩庚亦正式踏上了他的演艺征途.2006年4月24日,韩庚首次以歌手身份回到祖国,得到了数百名歌迷的热情迎接.2006年6月16日,在青岛中韩文化节上,出道以来,韩庚第一次将汗水与热情倾洒在了祖国的土地上.2007年2月,韩庚首次录制国内访谈类节目《鲁豫有约》,并在出道后第一次和国内的庚饭一起,度过了难忘而又美好的23岁生日.生日期间,由庚饭自主作词、作曲、制作并演唱的《爱的翅膀》也作为庚饭们对韩庚最好的礼物呈现在了大家面前.
