Rock music makes them excited.还是Rock music makes them exciting?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 19:07:34

Rock music makes them excited.还是Rock music makes them exciting?
Rock music makes them excited.还是Rock music makes them exciting?

Rock music makes them excited.还是Rock music makes them exciting?
Rock music makes them excited.

make sb excited。。

Rock music makes them excited.还是Rock music makes them exciting? Don't rock that baby on the rock while playing that rock music.解释三个rock The () music makes people ()(relax) music rock peace love all around the the rock music is better than chinese pop music don not rock that baby on the rock while playing that rock music的意思 Do not rock that baby on the rock while playing that rock music怎么翻译 I prefer rock rock music. I don't like rock often ______me crazy .A letsB makes Casks D orders what does he think of the rock music His rock music made the audience go w____. in its own way,rock music is as dominant as the rock gibraltar. The quiet music makes me relaxed.(同义句转换)The quiet music makes me ____ ____. The loud music makes Amy tense.为什么用makes 而不用make The loud music makes Amy relaxed 为什么不The loud music makes Amy tense.为什么用makes 而不用make The loud music makes I don't like rock music.It often-----me crazy.A lets B orders C makes 请问A可不可以? ..= =Complete the dialgue.(完成下列对话)A:Your family oftenlisten to music,don't you?B:Yes.But e enjoy different music.My mother likes jazz.It is fast.A:But I think it's too sad.I like rock music.It has such strongrhythm that makes me fee Module5 Unit1Complete the dialgue.(完成下列对话)A:Your family oftenlisten to music,don't you?B:Yes.But e enjoy different music.My mother likes jazz.It is____.A:But I think it's too sad.I like rock music.It has such____rhythm that makes me rock the