fries potatoes chips 名词修饰名词不是用单数吗 那么这里的potato为什么用复数呢

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 10:46:03

fries potatoes chips 名词修饰名词不是用单数吗 那么这里的potato为什么用复数呢
fries potatoes chips 名词修饰名词不是用单数吗 那么这里的potato为什么用复数呢

fries potatoes chips 名词修饰名词不是用单数吗 那么这里的potato为什么用复数呢
油炸马铃薯细条,French fries(=French fried potatoes),一种洋快餐
French fries served with gravy. 配有肉卤的炸薯条
Fish and chips
cookies containing chocolate chips. 夹巧克力片的小甜饼.
fried fish and french-fried potatoes.

因为是特指,前面有 fries potatoes修饰
one single hair 特指一根头发 all the hair on your head 泛指所有头发
I bought a paper to read 特指一份报纸 I need some paper to writing on. 泛指能书写的纸。

fries potatoes chips 名词修饰名词不是用单数吗 那么这里的potato为什么用复数呢 薯条是chips 还是fries 请问French fries;crisps;potato chips;chips都是炸薯条吗 potatoe chips还是potatoes chips.potatoe后有无s French fries , crisps和chips的区别,谁知道标准答案?急 French fries are also called fries or chips in Americe是什么意思士大夫大胜发典 刚好符合烦得很fdhfghdrhfd KFC菜单中薯条要用哪个英文?是potato chips还是french fries? french fries为什么是薯条的意思?它和chips有什么区别吗 2. We don’t have hamburgers or ( ) chips. A: potatoes B: potato C: a potato D: potatos 薯条的英语究竟是potato chips还是chips 还是french fries还是都可以,它们有什么区别吗 我说的薯条是那种油炸的马铃薯细条,一般配番茄酱一起吃的. 求翻译 ①french fries ②a hot potato ③they求翻译 ①french fries ②a hot potato ③they are big shots ④we are small potatoes 1.i think the potatoes are too______(厚的)2.the_______(顾客)ask for some hamburgers3.Many young people like to_______(点菜)potato chips jenny likes potatoes chips a lot,but I don't like them_______? all B.a little C.a lot D.very much chips 是薯条还是薯片是不分在什么时候用,我看翻译上都有.而且有的文本上是薯片有的是条.怎么区分.我要是在饭店点个chips他会给我什么?fries是薯条吧,chip和chips有关系没 French fries fries,piease. fries是什么意思 The chips the British know and love are French fries on the other side of the Atlantic.句中the British know and love 是什么成分,是插入语还是从句?