求几道英语题目的解题方法The book is not popular with the youth,but it is _____ that it is very useful.A personally B generally C possibly D likely DAre you sure _____?A whether she is honest B that she is honesty C she is honest D is she

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 15:23:23

求几道英语题目的解题方法The book is not popular with the youth,but it is _____ that it is very useful.A personally B generally C possibly D likely DAre you sure _____?A whether she is honest B that she is honesty C she is honest D is she
The book is not popular with the youth,but it is _____ that it is very useful.
A personally B generally C possibly D likely D
Are you sure _____?
A whether she is honest B that she is honesty C she is honest D is she honest
He often thinks of _____ he can do more for the four modernizations.
A what B how C that Dwhich B

求几道英语题目的解题方法The book is not popular with the youth,but it is _____ that it is very useful.A personally B generally C possibly D likely DAre you sure _____?A whether she is honest B that she is honesty C she is honest D is she
1.从选项看 it is+adj.(形容词) 而四个选项中只有 likely 有形容词词性
e.g I like the cat personally.
it is generally believed that cigarette is harmful to people.
he possibly missed train.
从意义上看 likely 是“可能的”意思 符合题意“这本书在年轻人中不流行,但是可能很有用”
personally 是“个人地”generally “普遍地 大众地”
possibly “可能地”意思上尚可,但词性不符要求.
2. be sure 一般接that 从句 从句中 是陈述句形式 且 that 可省略
因而 A 选项 whether 排除,B 中 honesty是名词 应用honest形容词表示
D选项 用的是倒装语序 排除 所以C正确.
3. he often thinks of 从句子成分看 后应接一个宾语从句 排除 that 和 which ,这两个词一般用于引导定语从句,that 还可以引导表语从句、同位语从句等.
what 需要在其引导的宾语从句中充当一个名词性成分,但“ he can do more for the four modernizations” 不缺少任何名词性成分,more 相当于do的宾语.
how 需要在起引导的宾语从句中充当一个表语或状语成分,若用how,“how he can do more for the four modernizations”意为“他 如何 才能为四个现代化做出更大的贡献.”所以B正确.