中文:他要去购物.He ____ _____ to go shopping.He ____ _____ to go shopping

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 21:47:18

中文:他要去购物.He ____ _____ to go shopping.He ____ _____ to go shopping
中文:他要去购物.He ____ _____ to go shopping.He ____ _____ to go shopping

中文:他要去购物.He ____ _____ to go shopping.He ____ _____ to go shopping
he is going to go shopping

He __is__ _going_ to go shopping.
He _will__ _go_ to go shopping.



He __is__ _going_ to go shopping.
He _will__ _go_ to go shopping.



1,would like
2,is going
would like to(想要)=want to
be gong to 准备\将要做某事

中文:他要去购物.He ____ _____ to go shopping.He ____ _____ to go shopping 感谢你加入我们 Thank you ___ ____ us.他今天下午打算去购物He ____ _____ go shopping this afternoon.那的人们不太友好.The people there___ ___The people there___ ___ ___. 翻译.他经常不吃早饭就去上班.He often ___ ___ ____ ___ ____ . 根据汉语完成句子 1、那个年轻人有时开车去兜风.That young man sometimes ___ ___ ___ ___.2、他同时也想挣更多钱.He also wants to make more money ___ ____ ____ ____ . 英语翻译他有一条好消息要告诉我.He ____ ____ _____ _____ _____ to _____ ___ 英语翻译On weekends ,he____ ____ ____ do some shopping.周末,他应该去购物。 他原本想去西班牙,但最终还是决定去希腊.英语怎么说.He ____ ____ ____ to Spain,but ____ ____Greece.我不喜欢离开太久.I don't like ____ ____ for ____ long.你有什么重要的事情要告诉我吗?Do you have _____ ____ ___ 他决定到故宫博物馆看一看 he dacides ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ the palace museum 问几道英语练习题~(1) 每年圣诞节她都会去香港购物.She ____ ____ in Hong Kong at ____ every year.(2) 去年中秋节,他没有和我们一起赏月.He ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ us ____ Mid-Autumn Festival.(3) 在儿童节那天,她 英汉互译:他想知道去学校花费多长时间.He want to kown ___ ___ it ____ to get to school. ”他不喜欢做家务“中译英:He ___ ____ housework. 1.你弟弟能参加我的晚会吗?___ your brother ___ ____ my party2.我们不能和你一起上钢琴课.we ____ ____ a piano lesson ____ ____3.这个周六他的去看大夫、 he ___ ___ ___ to the doctor ____ ____.4.tom在照顾她妹妹、tom 英语翻译不要把我的书弄乱了.Don't ____ _____ my books .最后,他去了北京.______,he ___ ____ Beijing. 英语翻译昨晚,他与杰克吵架了He ___ ____ ____ ___ Jack last night 他7:30睡觉.He goes to bed ___ ___ ____ ____? 按中文意思完成句子 .看起来他的确赢了那场比赛。It ___ ___ that he ___ ____ did ___that match他昨天告诉了我一些关于汤姆的事。.He ___ me something ___ Tom yesterday做班里拔尖学生不容易。It isn't ___ ____ 他完成作业后就立刻回家 英文He will ___ ____ ____ ____after he ____ ____ _____ He is late ____ school__ ___ ___ 他上课总是迟到 怎么写?He is late ____ school__ ___ ___ 他上课总是迟到 怎么写?