谁能写出英语提问(或问题)并答题.列如:What is your name?My name is 基本的,越多越好(20个左右)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 16:11:37

谁能写出英语提问(或问题)并答题.列如:What is your name?My name is 基本的,越多越好(20个左右)
谁能写出英语提问(或问题)并答题.列如:What is your name?My name is

谁能写出英语提问(或问题)并答题.列如:What is your name?My name is 基本的,越多越好(20个左右)
1.what's your favourite colour
my favourite colour is yellow!
2.how many book do you have
I have one book.
3.do you know the way to the park?
Sorry I don't know,
4.who is your favourite woman?
My favourite is your mather!
5.Can I help you?
yes please!
6.Would you like something to eat?
yes please!give me a hamburger!
7.Do you love me
I don't love you !
8.What is the date today?
Today is May twenty-one.
9.where is your home
I don't have home !
10.When is the women's day?
Te women's day is May 1.
11.What's your house's telephone?
My house's telephone is 88253133
12.Where do you come from
I come from China .
13.Where is my dictionary(字典)?
My dictionary is in your bag.
14.What do you want to do after school?
Play basketball with my good classmates.
15.What is the weather like
So good !It is sunny.
16.What is temperature today?
It is rather cool.
17.How many hours of daylight are there on May 21st?
About fourteen hours.
18.What languages do Europeans?
They speak English French and so on.
19.What are the biggest cities in Europe?
London,Paris and Moscow are three of the larges cities in Europe.
20.How many book do your have?
I have no book.

How old are you? I'm xx years old.
What's your job? My job is to ......
Where are you from? I'm/come from .....

Where is my teacher?
She is at home.
What day is it today?
It's Friday.
What's the weather like?
It's rainy.

谁能写出英语提问(或问题)并答题.列如:What is your name?My name is 基本的,越多越好(20个左右) 英语的所有时态.请列出来并写出用法,如:现在完成时=Have或has+v-ed 哪个品牌的GPS精确度最高?您好,我是太平洋网的快问蚁工,很高兴能为你解答问题.GPS来讲,纽曼或华硕的可以考虑!希望我的建议你能采纳,并能成功使用上,如有其他问题请继续在快问里提问 英语提问并回答 列方程并写出过程 “高中语文实用类文本阅读答题模式”谁能提供:问法+模式(如--写出了--表达了--情感)多提供点, 请列举出几个国家,国家语言国家的人的说法(英语)并分别写出它们的复数形式如;Russia,Russians,Russian 根据我的房间 写出五个英语问题并回答 英语题求翻译短文,并答题 有多少食物?请用英语写出,并标上英标和中文,有助于回答者给出准确的答案请用英语写出,并标上英标和中文,得了,如mushroom蘑菇或apple苹果可以不标英标 英语演讲比赛提问谁能给点具体问题,用英语写出来,比如what is you favourite sport?用于向选手提问 根据算式提问题或根据问题列算式1.18只青蛙6天能吃掉害虫8640只(1)空格8640除以18(2)空格8640除以6(3)空格8640除以18除以6 解下列方程式,并写出检验过程 解、列方程,并写出检验过程 看图提问5个简单的英语问题并回答 谁能写出50个英语标志单词?如CCTV,NBA. 谁能写出20个以上英语中表示工作的单词?如:teacher,student… 用英语写出自己喜欢的季节 并写出你能在哪个季节干什么