
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 00:11:51


1.Barking dog seldom bites.
2.One finger cannot lift a small stone
3.It is less of a problem to be poor than to be dishonest
4you can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.
5 Jim likes the music to which he can sing.
好点的翻译是:1 会叫的狗不咬人/咬人的狗不常吠

. Be careful not to call dog.
2. One finger to lift a small stone.
3. Poor than dishonest speaking problem smaller.
4. You can't wake a sleeping pretending to be.
5. Jim likes to sing. Music can mixing

1. watch out the dog not barking
2. only a finger cannot lift a little stone
3. compared to dishonsty, poverty is not a big problem
4. it's impossible to wake up a man who is pretending to be asleep
5.jim like the music he can sing to

1.Be careful not to call the dog
2.A finger can not lift a small rock
3.The problem of poverty is smaller than the point of dishonesty.
4.You can not wake a sleeping person is pretending.
5.Jim likes to sing and the music

1.Mind the non-bark dog
2.one finger can not raise up a little stone
3.Poverty is better than dishonesty
4.You can not wake up a man pretending to sleep.
5.Jim like the music can be sung in consonance

1、Be careful not to call dog.
2、One finger to lift a small stone.
3、Poverty problem than dishonest for smaller.
4、You can't wake a sleeping pretending to be.
5、Jim likes to sing. Music can mixing.

英语翻译1.小心不叫的狗.2.一个手指举不起一块小石头.3.贫穷比起不诚实的来说问题小一点.4.你不可能唤醒一个正在假装睡觉的人.5.Jim喜欢可以和着唱的音乐. 一句话,请用成语表达1.你无法叫醒一个装睡的人2.不诚实比贫穷的问题更大3.小心不爱说话的人和不叫的狗4.不要让昨天象今天一样用得太多5.我会忘记;给我看,我也许会不记得;让我试一下,我 英文俗语译成中文,请用汉语成语表达1.你无法叫醒一个装睡的人2.不诚实比贫穷的问题更大3.小心不爱说话的人和不叫的狗4.不要让昨天象今天一样用得太多5.我会忘记;给我看,我也许会不记得 我的手指不小心被门夹到了,用什么药最好? 英语翻译 伸出你的手指 手指的全体,同人群的全体一样,五根手指如果能.请你举一个例子说明这句话的含义 怎么写? 狗吃了毒药怎么办?我家的狗不小心吃了毒药,全身发抖,眼中无神,身体僵硬,前几天还能叫现在都不叫了,怎么办啊 手指的英文怎么说?就一个手指啊! 五个手指的英语翻译分别是什么? 小心英语翻译 实验室手指不小心沾上苯酚,立即用70摄氏度的热水冲洗, 百灵鸟不叫了为什么?我家的百灵鸟一个月都不叫了. 作文——学习六年级下册《手指》写一个熟悉的,令你有所感悟的事物.1.事物的特点,(举具体事例)2.得出的感(写物——明理)写作方法:总分总 具体事例——总结500字以上 英语翻译别且再举一个详细的列子! 英语翻译别且再举一个详细的列子! 求一个形容手指漂亮的成语 帮我起一个网名 有深意的 必须带一个伊字 最好3个字起一个有深意 你杂不叫木姨奶呢 都不好 给你们举个例子:花泽雅 韩亚希 这类的 英语翻译山姆的建议和提醒不小心多输了一个9,别介意哈