快高考了.It is said that a polar winter,_____,will stay for more than six month.A.once arrives B.once arrived C.once it arrives D.it once arrives为什么A不行..

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 18:23:18

快高考了.It is said that a polar winter,_____,will stay for more than six month.A.once arrives B.once arrived C.once it arrives D.it once arrives为什么A不行..
快高考了.It is said that a polar winter,_____,will stay for more than six month.
A.once arrives B.once arrived C.once it arrives D.it once arrives

快高考了.It is said that a polar winter,_____,will stay for more than six month.A.once arrives B.once arrived C.once it arrives D.it once arrives为什么A不行..
Once是连词,在这里引导的条件状语从句作插入语.句意是“据说极地的冬天一旦到来,将会持续六个月以上”.once和if,when等用法差不多,后面引导的从句若主语和主句的主语一致的时候,可以省略主语(你估计是这一点有点糊涂,所以很疑惑a答案不为什么不行),但是这种省略主语的情况有前提:当从句是“主语+系动词”结构,且主语和主句主语一致时,可省略主语和系动词,只剩下名词、不定式、形容词(短语)、介词短语或分词. 呵呵 我说的够仔细吧,希望可以帮到你哦.

快高考了.It is said that a polar winter,_____,will stay for more than six month.A.once arrives B.once arrived C.once it arrives D.it once arrives为什么A不行.. It is said that. 为什么是It is said that 而不是It said that It is said that that that that that man said is not that thatthat that woman said.翻译 it was said和it is said 区别it is said that是据说.因为是据说本来就指过去的吧,那it was said不就和it is said一样了吗? it is said that通常翻译成? It is said that是什么结构 it is said that 什么时态 It is said____ ____ was all ___ he said.It is said that that was all that he said. It is said that that was all that he said.这三个that分别是什么从句? it is said that that was all that he said= it is said that that was what he said这两个句子相等吗? It is said that that that that that girl used is wrong.的句子的成份划分拜托了各位 只要描述that充当的成份 It is said that the last full week of……快帮我答一下!It is said that the last full week of……快帮我答一下! it is said that的固定结构可以改成 it was said that? It is said that there is no weather in Britain. 语句:IT WAS SAID THAT THAT THAT THAT THAT BOY WROTE IS THAT.意思? 请问一个句子:is it something____what I said这个空应该填that还是what,为什么,它是什么句子错了,是is it something____ I said 英文据说的用法及造句it is said that it is said to beit is said to do 请帮各造些句.