问下这些英语句子的语法问题Recently implemented" shift-work equations" based on studies of the human sleep cycle have reduced sickness,sleeping on the job,(fatigue among shift workers,and have raised )production efficiency in various

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 13:09:12

问下这些英语句子的语法问题Recently implemented" shift-work equations" based on studies of the human sleep cycle have reduced sickness,sleeping on the job,(fatigue among shift workers,and have raised )production efficiency in various
Recently implemented" shift-work equations" based on studies of the human sleep cycle have reduced sickness,sleeping on the job,(fatigue among shift workers,and have raised )production efficiency in various industries.
这个句子中并列的成分不是have reduced 和have raised 为什么句子括号部分要改成 and fatigue among shift workers while raising呢?改前的句子是哪里错了呢?
some scientists have been critical of the laboratory tests conducted by the Federal Drug Administration on the grounds that the amounts of suspected carcinogens fed to animals far exceed those humans could consume
According to a recent study by Rutgers University,the number of women in state legislatures has grown in every election since 1968.
这里的the number of women in state legislatures has grown 为什么不可以改成:a growing number of women have been in state legislatures
另外如果说:the population changes of as many as ,or of more than 150 bird species are monitored.里的 as many as 和more than是不是不可以同时出现呢?汉语中有说法是大于或等于的.在英文中不能出现吗?

问下这些英语句子的语法问题Recently implemented" shift-work equations" based on studies of the human sleep cycle have reduced sickness,sleeping on the job,(fatigue among shift workers,and have raised )production efficiency in various
因为and是并列句或递进句连接词 前面是减少 后面是提高 是转折所以用while
可以 他是动词 是说超过人类的用量
用了a growing number 的话它就变成主语而不是妇女 那后面have been in state legislature 难道是说上升的数量在州立法院里吗?前后主语一定要一致
可以出现啊 这个没关系

1.英文中的列举是【A,B,……,and C】 and是一定要加在最后一个列举对象之前的,所以fatigue among shift workers之前要加and.
但是加了and之后,后面的and have raised 由于多了一个and显得并列结构不明,于是应改为while doing的从句形式避免混淆


1.英文中的列举是【A,B,……,and C】 and是一定要加在最后一个列举对象之前的,所以fatigue among shift workers之前要加and.
但是加了and之后,后面的and have raised 由于多了一个and显得并列结构不明,于是应改为while doing的从句形式避免混淆
4.这句是你自己写的?表达方式怪怪的 可以直接说the population changes of AT LEAST 150 bird species are monitored
对语言来讲 简洁明了并符合当地说话习惯是很重要的 并不是单纯语法对错的问题


因为and是并列句或递进句连接词 前面是减少 后面是提高 是转折所以用while
可以 他是动词 是说超过人类的用量
用了a growing number 的话它就变成主语而不是妇女 那后面have been in state legislature 难道是说上升的数量在州立法院里吗?前后主语一定要一致
可以出现啊 这个没关系...


因为and是并列句或递进句连接词 前面是减少 后面是提高 是转折所以用while
可以 他是动词 是说超过人类的用量
用了a growing number 的话它就变成主语而不是妇女 那后面have been in state legislature 难道是说上升的数量在州立法院里吗?前后主语一定要一致
可以出现啊 这个没关系


问下这些英语句子的语法问题Recently implemented shift-work equations based on studies of the human sleep cycle have reduced sickness,sleeping on the job,(fatigue among shift workers,and have raised )production efficiency in various 关于一个英语句子的语法问题,请老师回答下 英语句子语法问题如下: 英语八年级下语法-句子 问下各位高手一个英语问题……学语法和单词有什么好方法吗? 我的英语这两块是弱点…… 帮忙看下这些句子的语法问题吧After scoring ten goals in the first half of the competition,the soccer players thought that they had ensured victory.想问一下这里用had ensured的意思是什么?还有如果had ensured victory 那部 英语语法的用法我想问一下高手英语句子什么情况下用be、was、been请高手不吝指教下我对这些完全不懂 英语双写语法问题?funny、swimming,这些为什么要双写? 关于英语的一个简单语法问题:everything makes me feel bad还是 everything make me feel bad?我知道单三的时候加S 复数的时候不加 大家帮我解答一下everything nothing anything这些情况下的句子属于什么. 问一个英语句子语法问题Just in a trice, his famous books were claimed to be out of stock.这句话哪里语法不规范? 英语好的进 问括号三的语法 我感觉句子怪怪的 英语小问题,问语法They can learn a lot from talking to one another.(another的语法) 英语句型语法问题So the committee conducting this survey resolved to conduct such a course for adults in Meriden.请分析下整个句子包含的所有语法conducting this survey在这里是属于什么句子成分? 问这个句子语法问题what is the matter with the fellow that he was so happy想问下这个句子所含的语法 德语的语法问题德语句子的结构是什么啊 比如说英语是 主谓宾定状补 英语写作一般能给几分句子、语法基本没有太多错误的情况下 英语句子的成分和中文句子的成分我想问:英文中有间接宾语,直接宾语,联系动词,宾语补语等等,对应的中文句子成分中有这些吗?我中文语法也不行,怎么办?我的意思是,中文语法不行,那么,我 该英语句子是否存在语法问题?What can we do apart from we go after dreams?该句子是否有语法问题?那他存在的语法问题是什么?他该怎么修改比较好?