SSAT数学题theam A has 4 times as many losses as it had tie in a seaon.If tham A won none of its games,which couldbe the total number of games it played that season?12 15 18 21 26 .知道答案是15,求原因步骤.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 03:39:44

SSAT数学题theam A has 4 times as many losses as it had tie in a seaon.If tham A won none of its games,which couldbe the total number of games it played that season?12 15 18 21 26 .知道答案是15,求原因步骤.
theam A has 4 times as many losses as it had tie in a seaon.If tham A won none of its games,which couldbe the total number of games it played that season?
12 15 18 21 26 .知道答案是15,求原因步骤.

SSAT数学题theam A has 4 times as many losses as it had tie in a seaon.If tham A won none of its games,which couldbe the total number of games it played that season?12 15 18 21 26 .知道答案是15,求原因步骤.
A队在本赛季打成平手局数是输掉局数的4倍,如果A对在本赛季一回没赢那它总共在本赛季打了多少场比赛.场数=平局+输局=5倍输局 只有15是5的倍数

team A has 4 times as many losses as it had tie in a seaon. If team A won none of its games, which couldbe the total number of games it played that season
it had tie这是什么意思


SSAT数学题theam A has 4 times as many losses as it had tie in a seaon.If tham A won none of its games,which couldbe the total number of games it played that season?12 15 18 21 26 .知道答案是15,求原因步骤. ssat数学题 过程 SSAT数学题.求救.an irregularly shaped field has a perimeter of 864 feet.if each fence segment is 9yards long,how many segments are required to enclose the field?28 32 33 54 96 有两道SSAT数学题,看不懂啊=-= 详细见补充.1. Which of the following number can be written in the form(4*N)+1 Where N is a whole number.55 62 71 84 932.见图片 SSAT奇怪数学题,教会再加分,我已经浪费了很多财富了.求说明66666 (图) ↑ ↑ P QThe '6' in place P in the numeral above has a value how many times the valur of the '6' in place 选择:10,000 1,000 100 10 1 did you watch the chinese theam ( )soccer last night?英语填空.A.plays,B,to play C ,piay D piaying 关于ssat的一道数学题if the paper shown in Figure 4 is folded flat along the dotted line,then a pin stuck through point P will also pass through point (A)A (B)B (C)C (D)D (E)E帮忙解释一下这道题什么意思啦~谢谢了!然后 有一个问题,我不确定,求有经验者帮忙!是SSAT数学题How many socks would you need to remove from a drawer containing 10 blue socks,15 black socks,and 5 red socks,to insure that you have at least 2 matching socks?A) 3B) 4C) 16D) 17E) 28 SSAT数学a box was made in the form of a cube,if a second cubical box has inside imensions thress times those of the first box,how many time as much does it contain? 我家孩子要准备参加SSAT了可是做英语数学题始终不好怎么办 SSAT词汇表 SSAT试题 ssat练习题 ssat是什么 我在做SSAT的卷子 build a bridge里面什么意思我在做SSAT的卷子build a bridge里面什么意思 跪求SSAT词汇表,新东方老师的 托福 GRE GMAT LSAT AP SAT ACT SSAT 雅思 BEC A-level 这些都是什么水平 you must always _____ a ssat belt 横线上应该填什么单词?不会的别乱答.