
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 22:47:05

传说西周是齐地,今山东一带,有一户贫苦人家,父母早丧,幼弟依兄嫂度日,每日出外牧羊,人们都叫他做牛郎.牛郎渐渐长大了.他的嫂嫂一直不喜欢他,便让 他牵着一条老黄牛到荒山下自居.老黄牛是天上的金牛星,因触犯天条而被降人间.它得知天上的7仙女常结伴到人间溜达,在明净湖沐浴,它便托梦给牛郎,要他到湖畔,趁仙女们戏水时,取走一仙女挂在树上的衣衫,头也不回的跑回家来,便会获得一位美丽的仙女做妻子.然后牛郎照梦实践,被偷走衣衫的仙女就是织女,之后他们就结成夫妻.3年后,织女已为牛郎生了1男1女,老黄牛已死,剩下一双牛角.织女私自偷下凡间的事被天帝知道,将她拘回宫了;牛郎抱着牛角痛哭,牛角掉地后,2只牛角变成了2只箩筐,牛郎把2个孩子放入箩筐中,之后,便变成了2只强有力的翅膀,飞在霄汉中,眼看织女就在眼前,牛郎奋力追赶.王母娘娘拔下头上的金叉,在牛郎与织女之间一划,便出现了波涛汹涌,白浪滔天,从此一个在河东,一个在河西.摇摇相对却无法相见.他们的忠贞爱情感到了喜鹊,千万只喜鹊搭成了鹊桥让牛郎织女走上鹊桥相会,王母娘娘对此无可奈何,只好允许他们在每年的农历7月7日于鹊桥相见.

The fable Western Zhou Dynasty is together,now area Shandong,some household poor others,the parents early lose,the cadet gets by according to the brothers and sisters-in-law,goes out every day tends sheep,the people are called him to be the cowherd boy.The cowherd boy grew up gradually.His elder brother's wife did not like him,then lets him pull an willing ox to pose as to the barren hill under.The willing ox is space Jin Niu the star,because of offends superstitiously is fallen the world.It knew that the space 7 female celestial often accompany the world to take a stroll,bathes in the bright lake,it then holds the dream to the cowherd boy,wants him to arrive at the lakeside,when plays with water while the female celestial,takes a female celestial to hang on tree's clothing,does not return runs back the family to come,will then obtain a beautiful female celestial to be the wife.Then the cowherd boy according to the dream practice,is stolen away clothing's female celestial is the female weaver,afterward they form the husbands and wives.3 years later,the female weaver has had 1 male 1 female for the cowherd boy,the willing ox has died,is left over pair of buffalo and cow horns.The female weaver steals secretly descends to earth the matter to know by the God that arrested the palace her; The cowherd boy holds the buffalo and cow horns to weep bitterly,after the buffalo and cow horns fall,2 buffalo and cow horns turned 2 wicker baskets,the cowherd boy have put in 2 children in the wicker basket,afterward,then turned 2 powerful wings,flew in the sky,saw that the female weaver at present,the cowherd boy furiously pursues.Under the grandmother empress pulls out on Jin Cha,between the cowherd boy and the female weaver a stroke,then presented the mighty waves to be turbulent,the whitecap was dreadful,henceforth in east of the river,in Hexi.Swings relatively is actually unable to meet..Their loyal love has felt the magpie,thousands of magpies built the magpie bridge to let the cowherd and the weaving maiden step onto meeting of lovers,the grandmother empress have no alternative regarding this,had to allow them on July 7 to meet in every year's lunar calendar in the magpie bridge.

哪位高人可以把这段文字翻译为英文的?thx~~`传说西周是齐地,今山东一带,有一户贫苦人家,父母早丧,幼弟依兄嫂度日,每日出外牧羊,人们都叫他做牛郎.牛郎渐渐长大了.他的嫂嫂一直不喜欢他, 希望哪位高人可以帮我把下面这段文字翻译成英文,要尽量准确,万分感谢本文以《沉香屑 第一炉香》中葛薇龙与梁太太的第一次见面为例来分析葛薇龙的性格与命运.葛薇龙本来只是一个普通 哪位高人可以帮小弟把这段文字翻译成英文,急用,不胜感激!(2)幽默的多种形式。“黑色幽默”作为一种美学形式,属于喜剧范畴,但又是一种带有悲剧色彩的变态的喜剧。“黑色幽默”的产 我能否再次邀请您来中国讲学?我近期会和Neil商量,您愿意再次来到中国吗?我可以当面拜您为师吗?哪位老大帮忙把上面那段文字翻译为英文,一定要翻译正确啊,那是一封发给外国人的邮件, 哪位好心人帮我把这段文字汉译英 ‘ 世界上唯一可以不劳而获的就是贫穷,唯一可以无中生有的就是梦想.’那位高人把它可以翻译为英文,不胜 英语翻译现有大段文字(英文的) 语法错误很多 想请教下高人有没有哪个翻译软件语法错误比较少的 我要中翻英的 英语翻译那位研究语言的高人可以帮我把以下这段文字翻译成“拉丁文”“英文”“希伯来语”和“阿拉伯语”.我的十字架上有,但是字太小了看的累眼睛,而且也没有分出段落.爱是恒久忍耐 英语翻译请各路朋友帮忙把下面这段文字翻译为英文 BIOTHERM碧欧泉产品中富含的矿泉有机活性因子P.E.T.PTM确实可以称作是神奇的物质,它的活性成份与人体肌肤细胞结构十分接近,并且蕴含微 哪位高人能帮我翻译M2M的这首 求“蒸菜”的英文说法.最好哪位高人能把浏阳蒸菜用英文介绍一下. 英语翻译哪位英语高手翻译一下这段英文要地道一点的 哪位高人知道环己脲的沸点,英文 英文 一个小小的翻译问题哪位亲帮我看一下下面这段文字是什么意思?Please resubmit your address to fit the following format. Each x represents one alphanumeric unit.STREET1: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (32 alphanumeri 希望哪位英语好的朋友能帮我把这段文字翻印成英文~希望不要机器式的翻印,也不要有改动,因为这段话对我太重要了~__________________________________________________________每当听起这首歌我就会想起 翻译 哪位英语高手能帮在下翻译出优美一点的英文 拜托了 谢谢你们翻译的好的话 确实有才华的话 你可以找我追加悬赏,文字如下:在我们相识三周年之际,我把这瓶绿色的邂逅送给你.代表 英语翻译哪位高人帮我把这个题目翻译成英文啊.《论我国电子商务中的知识产权保护》不要翻译机翻译出来的呀。 帮我把下边的这段文字用五笔打出来,分解成字母,单字翻译,丁莉丽