Do you know the song Gangnam Style?Of course.It_interesting.A.tastes B.smells C.sounds D.fells 求原因.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/04 01:06:39

Do you know the song Gangnam Style?Of course.It_interesting.A.tastes B.smells C.sounds D.fells 求原因.
Do you know the song Gangnam Style?Of course.It_interesting.A.tastes B.smells C.sounds D.fells 求原因.

Do you know the song Gangnam Style?Of course.It_interesting.A.tastes B.smells C.sounds D.fells 求原因.
选B,Gangnam Style是歌,所以是听起来

DO YOU KNOW THE SONG WHAT NAME IS XXX?你听说过XXX这首歌吗说法 今日毕,it's in Eminem's song called beautiful ,do you know the meaning by the phrase? 《Do You Know (the Ping Pong Song)》:Enrique Iglesias(安立奎) 歌词,要翻译,最好是一句以翻译 Do you know what( A his favorite song is B his favorite song how do you like the song同义句转换 —do you——the song A:Listen!--------the girls --------(sing) a song outside?B:What -----(be) the name of the song.--------you---------(know)?A:Yes of course.They -------(sing) the song Do Re Me.用适当的动词形式填空 Do you know the way? do you know the mean You may know the song Happy Birthday very well.But do you know about its writer?It was written.You may know the song Happy Birthday very well.But do you know about its writer?It was writtenby an American girl.And she became very rich after that.When Do you still remember the () of the song?Do you still remember the ()(开头) of the song? -do you know ___ PSY will sing the song Gangnam Style at the concert/--I'm afraid not.A.whether B.that C.why D.when what do you think of the song?意思 do you know the time lunchDo you know the time_____lunch? I am sure you know the song happy Birthday you must sing this song to your family members and yourfriends many times on their birthdays But do you know who wrote this song?A man named Archibald in Louisville,Kentucky,USA could tell you.One hundred an Do you know the song Gangnam Style?Of course.It_interesting.A.tastes B.smells C.sounds D.fells 求原因. Do you know the to the question? 英语阅读理解下面题的解答I'm sure you know the songHappy Birthday.You must sing this song to your familiy members and your friends many times on their birthday.But do you know who wrote this song?A man named Archibald in Louisville,Kentu The song.for you