Finally came the day ___he had to begin his study for the next term.A.till B.that C.since D.which如果说这边 that=when 那 为什么不能用which

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/16 00:04:40

Finally came the day ___he had to begin his study for the next term.A.till B.that C.since D.which如果说这边 that=when 那 为什么不能用which
Finally came the day ___he had to begin his study for the next term.A.till B.that C.since D.which
如果说这边 that=when 那 为什么不能用which

Finally came the day ___he had to begin his study for the next term.A.till B.that C.since D.which如果说这边 that=when 那 为什么不能用which
关系副词when的省略用作时间状语的关系副词when通常不能省略,但有一种特殊情况,即用于day,year,time等少数几个词后时可以省略(也可换成that).如:That was the year (that) I first went abroad.就是那一年我第一次出国了.I’ll never forget the day (that) we met.我永远也忘不了我们见面的那一天.

在定语从句中像that,which等一些的连词经常在从句中充当一些成分,比如主语,宾语等等,如果去掉它们则从句会变的不完整,即缺少成分。相反地,引导同位语从句的that在从句中不充当任何成分,即使去掉,也不会影响句子的完整性(不过千万不能去掉)。我也在想这句子到底是不是定语从句是定语从句....你上面不是说是同位语从句么 如果是定于从句...




本句完整,不缺主表宾,而缺状语,所以用 that,也可用 when ,因为先行词是 the day ,表时间,when 引导时间状从
which 在定语从句中是指代先行词,起到解释说明的作用。
如:The bicycle which John wanted .
(希望当面给你讲讲,这里写的不是很清楚,你可以把 that 和 which 的区别看一...


本句完整,不缺主表宾,而缺状语,所以用 that,也可用 when ,因为先行词是 the day ,表时间,when 引导时间状从
which 在定语从句中是指代先行词,起到解释说明的作用。
如:The bicycle which John wanted .
(希望当面给你讲讲,这里写的不是很清楚,你可以把 that 和 which 的区别看一下,我在高三是也一直问老英这个问题呢)


这句话主语是THE DAY 谓语是 CAME
WHEN 后面的都是修饰这个主语的。
The day when he had to begin his study for the next term came.

words finally came to blow on the next to last day of camp怎么翻译? 分析语法成分when the day finally came for him to return from Europe . finally came the day when he had to begin his study for the nest term.为什么用when Finally came the day ____the 26th World University Games were host by China in Shenzhen.A.that B.when Finally came the day ——— he had to begin his study for the next term.Atill Bwhen Cwhich Dthat Finally came the day ___he had to begin his study for the next term.A.till B.that C.since D.which 请帮忙修改一句话整句话是:Her math teacher finally came to her as he saw her the third time of the day.后半句似乎有问题? 1.had,we,week,finally,schoolk,day,this,from,a,no,weather,bad,one,because,came,was,the,the,to,so3.many,at,there,the,were,actors,aquarium4.a,had,students,terrible,trip,school,the only after a hot debate_____ to a decisiona 、did they finally come b、 that they finally came c 、when the finally came d、 and they finally camea 、did they finally come b、 that they finally came c 、when they finally came d、 and they fin 连词成句:had,we,week,,day,this,from,a,off连词成句:sale,no,weather,bad,one,because,came,was,the,the,to,so连词成句:a,had,students,terrible,trip,school,the 英语翻译谁有这首歌中文翻译?On the day the wall came downThey threw the locks onto the groundAnd with glasses high we raised a cry for freedom had arrivedOn the day the wall came downThe ship of Fools had finally ran roundPromises lit up when the day came.的翻译 Finally came the day ___he had to begin his study for the next term.A.till B.that C.since D.which如果说这边 that=when 那 为什么不能用which 改错:The day we had been looking forward to coming finally.答案是coming—came.look forward to后面不就是接动名词吗?为什么此题改为动词的过去分词啊~ finally they crossed the river__(succeed) he came in without __(knock) at the door When the appointment finally _____,he was ready.[A] came round [B] came down [C] came over [D] came through 翻译整句, 《then came the day》这首歌的下载地址then came the day的下载地址 I came the same day 还是i came on the same day 因为i came the same day as she left.不加on.那么I came the same day 还是i came on the same day