ANSYS12.1打开后提示:could not connect to any license serveransys12.1打开后提示Could not connect to any license server.The server is down or is not responsive.ANSYSLI_SERVERS:2325@2325@ldc-pcFLEXlm Servers:1055@ldc-pc

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 22:49:02

ANSYS12.1打开后提示:could not connect to any license serveransys12.1打开后提示Could not connect to any license server.The server is down or is not responsive.ANSYSLI_SERVERS:2325@2325@ldc-pcFLEXlm Servers:1055@ldc-pc
ANSYS12.1打开后提示:could not connect to any license server
Could not connect to any license server.
The server is down or is not responsive.
FLEXlm Servers:1055@ldc-pc

ANSYS12.1打开后提示:could not connect to any license serveransys12.1打开后提示Could not connect to any license server.The server is down or is not responsive.ANSYSLI_SERVERS:2325@2325@ldc-pcFLEXlm Servers:1055@ldc-pc
我也遇到过相同的情况   之前安装后一直可以用  最近一段时间没有用  昨天打开时候就出现的你说的这种情况  
    二是许可证--Server ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility 中左下角框中显示client.
    修改方法如下:1.重新运行安装文件MAGNiTUDE文件夹中的ap121_calc 生成license.
    2.运行  开始--程序--ANSYS, Inc. License Manager----Server ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility .  点击run the license wizard  点击continue  直到选择刚才生成的license.最终结果如下图

ANSYS12.1打开后提示:could not connect to any license serveransys12.1打开后提示Could not connect to any license server.The server is down or is not responsive.ANSYSLI_SERVERS:2325@2325@ldc-pcFLEXlm Servers:1055@ldc-pc 安装了ansys12.0 后出现错误提示:could not create the file required to .安装了ansys12.0 后出现错误提示:could not create the file required to determine which products are to be displayed in the lisence dropdown list.Error:invalid 乐图安装后打开弹出提示The JVM could not be stared.The maximum heap size(-Xmx)might be . ansys12.0安装出错 could not connect to any license server the server is down or is not responsive 云端ansys12的fluent和icem等都不能用,急求解答ansys本身,workbench都能用,但是其他比如fluent打开就报许可文件错误下面是icem的出错情况,高人指点啊!急挤! failed to get ansys license 10019: return code 1, Featu 打开程序出现两个提示, Ghost:出现‘A source volume could not be locked (640)’想用Ghost8来备份XP分区,可 是总出现这个提示后就不能操作了,希望高手可以帮小弟解答我是在xp系统下打开的ghost32.exe ANSYS 圆周力请问在ANSYS12.1Workbanch中沿着一个管道内壁加均布的力该怎么做? ansys12里fluent怎么用 pspice9.2安装完成后打开文件capture提示:thecapture CISfeature is not licensed at this site.无法打开工作窗口,是哪里的问题. 英语翻译一打开就提示更新,更新后说无需更新但是还是弹出来更新,就是不给用, 手机下载软件后提示使用以下方式打开,应用市场,或打包应用程序,应该选哪个? 输入ing ip 后提示ping request could not find host ip.please check the name and try again MCGS程序打开时有如下提示是什么意思? 3dmax文件打开提示file open 3D MAX9 中文版打开后提示:6次 是什么意思 怎么解决啊每次运行3D MAX9.0都会出现六个对话框,不懂是什么意思~请高手帮忙解答一下~谢谢~1、语法错误:位于dotNetControl,需要 所在行:dotNetControl 打开AE弹出这样的提示:after effect warning:error parsing properties list.打开AE后弹出这样的提示,高手帮忙具体是这样的,双击ae图标后提示after effect warning:error parsing properties list.点击确定后就什么也 开机提示could not find translation file