He often gets up very late.He ___exercises in the morning.AalwaysB.usuallyChardly everD.quite often单选

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 16:02:56

He often gets up very late.He ___exercises in the morning.AalwaysB.usuallyChardly everD.quite often单选
He often gets up very late.He ___exercises in the morning.AalwaysB.usuallyChardly everD.quite often

He often gets up very late.He ___exercises in the morning.AalwaysB.usuallyChardly everD.quite often单选
这两句话上下逻辑并不紧密,但是如果一定能够要选最合适的,应该是C答案 hardly ever,意思是“几乎不”,起的比较晚,所以几乎不再早晨晨练.
当然了,起的晚一些也未必就不能晨练,我9点起,10点锻炼不也是morning exercise吗,没到12点都是morning