如何安全渡过地震How To Ride Out the Earthquake

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 16:11:24

如何安全渡过地震How To Ride Out the Earthquake
如何安全渡过地震How To Ride Out the Earthquake

如何安全渡过地震How To Ride Out the Earthquake
【如果地震时你在室内】 If you are indoors:�� Drop,Cover,and Hold — Take cover under a sturdy desk,table,or bench,or against an inside wall,and hold on.If there is no desk or table near you,cover your face and head with your arms and crouch in an inside corner of the building.�� Stay away from glass,windows,outside doors and walls,and anything that could fall,such as lighting fixtures and furniture.�� If you are in bed when the earthquake strikes,stay there.Hold on and protect your head with a pillow,unless you are under a heavy light fixture that could fall.In that case,move to the nearest safe place.�� Stay inside until the shaking stops and it is safe to go outside.Most injuries during earthquakes occur when people are hit by falling objects while entering or leaving buildings.�� Be aware that electricity may go out or that sprinkler systems or fire alarms may turn on.�� Do not use elevators.* 蹲下,寻找掩护,抓牢——利用写字台、桌子或者长凳下的空间,或者身子紧贴内部承重墙作为掩护,然后双手抓牢固定物体.如果附近没有写字台或桌子,用双臂护住头部、脸部,蹲伏在房间的角落.* 远离玻璃制品、建筑物外墙、门窗、以及其他可能坠落的物体,例如灯具和家具.* 如果地震发生时你在床上,请待在那里不要动.抓紧枕头保护住你的头部.如果你上方有可能坠落的重型灯具,请转移至最近的安全地带.* 在晃动停止并确认户外安全后,方可离开房间.地震中的大多数伤亡,是在人们进出建筑物时被坠物击中造成的.* 要意识到可能会断电,火警以及自动喷淋装置可能会启动.* 切勿使用电梯逃生.【如果地震时你在室外】 If you are outdoors:�� Stay there.�� Move away from buildings,trees,streetlights,and utility wires.* 待在原地不要动.* 远离建筑区、大树、街灯和电线电缆.【如果地震时你在开动的汽车上】 If you are in a moving car:�� Stop as quickly as safety permits,pull to the side of the road,and stay in the car.�� Avoid stopping near or under buildings,trees,overpasses,and utility wires.�� Do not attempt to drive across bridges or overpasses that have been damaged.�� Proceed cautiously after the earthquake has stopped,watching for road and bridge damage.* 在确保安全的情况下,尽快靠边停车,留在车内.* 不要把车停在建筑物下、大树旁、立交桥或者电线电缆下.* 不要试图穿越已经损坏的桥梁.* 地震停止后小心前进,注意道路和桥梁的损坏情况.【如果你被困在废墟下】 If you are trapped under debris:�� Do not light a match.�� Do not move about or kick up dust.�� Cover your mouth with a handkerchief or clothing.�� Tap on a pipe or wall so that rescuers can find you.Use a whistle if one is available.Shout only as a last resort — shouting can cause you to inhale dangerous amounts of dust.* 不要点火柴.* 不要向周围移动,避免扬起灰尘.* 用手帕或布遮住口部.* 敲击管道或墙壁以便让救援人员发现你.可能的话,请使用哨子.|||