It is ridiculous for you to fool about that way.你那样地混日子实在荒唐.帮我意译下啊,在哪能体现出混日子的啊?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 05:05:24

It is ridiculous for you to fool about that way.你那样地混日子实在荒唐.帮我意译下啊,在哪能体现出混日子的啊?
It is ridiculous for you to fool about that way.

It is ridiculous for you to fool about that way.你那样地混日子实在荒唐.帮我意译下啊,在哪能体现出混日子的啊?
I don't have time to fool around.

fool about

fool about

it is ridiculous.It is being ridiculous .这两句有什么it is ridiculous.It is being ridiculous .这两句有什么区别?什么时候用being It is ridiculous for you to fool about that way.你那样地混日子实在荒唐.帮我意译下啊,在哪能体现出混日子的啊? It is but a step from the sublime to the ridiculous.中的but表什么意思? 英语翻译2012 is completely ridiculous trash that turns massive destruction and the deaths of billions of people (including,by implication,just about everyone watching it) into fodder for entertainment.Of course the disaster movies of the seventie Everything is so ridiculous什么意思 This is really a ridiculous farce your method is really ridiculous 如题 Do you know?I can give up everything for you.But you?I know,you don't love me.Ridiculous.So many people have the happiness.Can I think that's impossible.I miss you.It's been two hours.This article is my hair in the morning.The purpose is to that?I ju It is ridiculous _______ school administrators say is always in disagreement with what they do.a.what b.that what 我认为选B.请指教! it is ridiculous that 后面是虚拟吗,怎么用?it is ridiculous that we_________________1 are short of water in a country where it is always raining2 be short of water in a country where it is always raining3 mighe be short of water in a country It is for children it is for IT IS FOR FREE 英语语法:请从语法角度分析这个句子的成分.So we should realize how ridiculous it is that we are wasting food without limitation. It is ridiculous that such a thing _____ in your familyA.will happenB.should happenC.would happenD.happened选哪个?为什么? 译中:I think it is ridiculous that people ----usually women----have been forcedby society to endure such considerable pain and suffering. 这句话有错么?错在哪里?英语高手帮忙It is ridiculous if an adult only do works which have rewards. It's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring