新概念2 语法知识第三课He was a friendly waiter.He spoke to the writer( )A.like friendsB.in a friendly way这一题答案不一,有A也有B,我选的是B,请问达人们应该是哪个选项啊.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 13:54:12

新概念2 语法知识第三课He was a friendly waiter.He spoke to the writer( )A.like friendsB.in a friendly way这一题答案不一,有A也有B,我选的是B,请问达人们应该是哪个选项啊.
新概念2 语法知识
He was a friendly waiter.He spoke to the writer( )
A.like friends
B.in a friendly way

新概念2 语法知识第三课He was a friendly waiter.He spoke to the writer( )A.like friendsB.in a friendly way这一题答案不一,有A也有B,我选的是B,请问达人们应该是哪个选项啊.





新概念2 语法知识第三课He was a friendly waiter.He spoke to the writer( )A.like friendsB.in a friendly way这一题答案不一,有A也有B,我选的是B,请问达人们应该是哪个选项啊. 新概念英语里面这段话是什么语法啊?新概念第三册第二课,“i have been coming up he night after night”,have been doing 是什么语法啊? 新概念英语第三册 17课语法请先耐心看完这一段:he Verrazano Bridge,which was designed by Othmar Ammann,joins Brooklyn to Staten Island.It has a span of 4,260 feet.Two great towers support four huge cables.The towers are built on im 新概念英语第三册 第二课 Our vicar woke up with a start .是不是语法错了/应该改成:Our vicar was woke up with a start .应该我觉得有明显的被动语境! 新概念英语2和3分别涉及到哪些语法知识 新概念英语2和3分别涉及到哪些语法知识 新概念英语2,第三课 新概念英语第三册21课 这句话 Though he was technically a prizefighter.这句话中technically为什么不是technical 为什么用副词 不是形容词修饰名词吗 新概念英语2册51课问题有一句话是:My friend,Hugh,has always been fat,but things got so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet.请问其中的“has always been fat”能否改成was always fat在句意和语法上有什么区别 Money which is collected for a cause is known as a fund.which引导的是什么从句?新概念英语第三册第2课课后练习,词汇第9题答的好有加分.第6题The vicar asked Bill what he was doing in the church tower.what引导的是什么 这句话所包含的语法.1.He had had a long and uncomfortable trip,for he had been confined to the wooden box for over eighteen hours.2.He was so surprised at being discovered that he did not even try to run away.我正在背新概念第2册 这2 新概念英语第三册第四课1.Alf was ____ anything to his wife.a.so embarrassed he said b.very embarrassed and saidc.very embarrassed,so he said d.so embarrassed he did not say2.He want to be______Mr.Bloggs,not Alfa.addressed as b.namedc.cr (新概念2第三课)on the last day he made a big decision,it was the ___day of his holidayA.final B,end C,latest D,bottom 请老师帮忙解释下这几个词的区别并解决下 The dealer told him that it had just come in,but that he could not be bothered to open it.新概念第三册的34课中,这句话的语法,尤其是后半句的语法 He know where I was going此句中包含什么语法知识 新概念英语3 第二课语法Armed with a torch,the vicar went up into the clock tower to see what was going on.这里为什么用Armed 那用arming可不可以?up和into为什么放一起啊?In the torchlight,he caught sight of a figure whom he i 新概念英语第三册1至10课的重点语法及句型, 新概念英语第二册第三课课后练习选择题第四个4._____ him a few words of Italian?The waiter.为什么要选择Who taught而不是Who did teach.第五个5.He was a friendly waiter.He spoke to the writer_____.为什么用in a friendly