The boss ________(not leave)yet,so you can find him in his office.如题的说、

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The boss ________(not leave)yet,so you can find him in his office.如题的说、
The boss ________(not leave)yet,so you can find him in his office.

The boss ________(not leave)yet,so you can find him in his office.如题的说、
hasn't left

hasn't left

The boss ________ with my work.A.was satisfyingB.was satisfiedC.satisfiedD.satisfactory Ten days ago the young man informed his boss of his intention to ________.填空 she reported the boss The boss ________(not leave)yet,so you can find him in his office.如题的说、 9.The boss ________ with my work.A.was satisfying B.was satisfied C.satisfied D.satisfactory The boss ___ the staff is on holiday in Sanya.NO one can help you.填空答案 东财10春学期《大学英语1 16.( )Caller:Hi,is Jill there,please?Mary:__________A.Hold on.I’ll gether.B.No,she isn’t here.C.Yes,she lives here.D.Yes,what do you want?满分:4 分17.( The boss ________ with my work.A.was satisfyingB.was sa There is no air or water on the moon,________? You are required to write a report to your boss about the project you are doing now with no The boss is very busy and can't meet you if you have no a appointment.怎译? 英语现在分词后置定语解析The difference is that the boss of animal hunting and the head of nut gathering probably told them to shut up or No surviaval for you!.为什么这the boss of animal hunting 而不是boss of animal hunted=boss 12.The boss asked her to take ________ of the office for a few days while he was away.A.task B. THE MAN OVER THERE IS MY BOSS( ) ( )is your boss? 用who whom which 填空1.I serve the man ________ is my boss.2.These boys ________ are having lessons are my students.3.Put the books ________ are for me on the desk.4.I saw some boys ________ are playing football.5.I saw the boy ________ Jane gave No decision ___about this year's plan until the boss has read all the files.Awill be made being made D.has been made the boss leaves the office e____ 把下列句子变为被动语态1.Yesterday,the boss made her finish all the work in a short time.Yesterday,she ________ ________ ________ ________ all the work in a short time by the boss2.We need an email address when we want to send an emailAn em Let's go to the cinema.—NO,I ________(see,already) the film.