She didn't say nothing.还是She didn't say anything.两个句子都翻译成“她什么都没说”.各自应该怎么理解?在什么时候用nothing,什么时候用anything?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 19:03:22

She didn't say nothing.还是She didn't say anything.两个句子都翻译成“她什么都没说”.各自应该怎么理解?在什么时候用nothing,什么时候用anything?
She didn't say nothing.还是She didn't say anything.

She didn't say nothing.还是She didn't say anything.两个句子都翻译成“她什么都没说”.各自应该怎么理解?在什么时候用nothing,什么时候用anything?
nothing是双重否定 但是美国人笨 逻辑差 所以两种都对 都是一个意思 正式场合一定要用anything 随便的时候也可以说nothing 黑人说nothing较多

She didn't say anything对,她什么都没说
nothing本身就表示“什么都没有”,所以用的话要用She said nothing

She said nothing.
She didn't say anything.

nothing 本身的意思就是没有 例如我什么也没有I have nothing.
anything是任何东西,还是我什么都没有这句话,就是I don't have anything.

She didn't say anything.这个是对的,否定句里用 anything
She said nothing。这个也是对的。
She didn't say nothing. 这个是美国黑人说的,非常不正规。不要学。

答案:【 She didn't say anything.】或者【 She said nothing.】才对



【不懂追问,帮到你的话望及时选为满意答案,谢谢O(∩_∩)O~】谢谢~~ 可是在百度和谷歌翻译里面这两句翻译都是一样的。。。为什么呢?...


答案:【 She didn't say anything.】或者【 She said nothing.】才对





是的,否定句里用 anything, 而不用something,she didn't say anything 对着呢
nothing 本身已经是否定,好像没有“she didn't say nothing”这种表达...
双重否定,意思变成 she said something...