英语中什么时候不用否定转移为什么 I think that animals should not live in the zoos.一句中没有否定转移?什么时候用否定转移,什么时候不用否定转移?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 14:46:41

英语中什么时候不用否定转移为什么 I think that animals should not live in the zoos.一句中没有否定转移?什么时候用否定转移,什么时候不用否定转移?
为什么 I think that animals should not live in the zoos.一句中没有否定转移?

英语中什么时候不用否定转移为什么 I think that animals should not live in the zoos.一句中没有否定转移?什么时候用否定转移,什么时候不用否定转移?
关于否定前移的问题,可能大家都知道,在宾语从句中如果主句是I think ,那否定时要否定从句的,并且要把否定词放在
主句中,我们叫否定前移,如I think you are right.否定句应为I don't think you are right.汉语是我认为你不对.
可这里有一道题:I think there ____any paper money in the future.
A.will be B.will have C.won't be D.won't have
否定句应该怎么去改呀,如:Susan_____ there ______be less pollution in several years.
A.thinks;won't B.doesn't think ;will C.thought;won't D.thought;will
而英语中表达这样的意思,一般说:I don't think you are right.因此有语法学家就总结出这么一个规律:否定前移.这条语法规则经老师重复几十遍,做了几十题之后,就以为这是法律,任何句子不得违反了!
我认为,这是老外的一种委婉的表达方法.思考一下,它是不是比:I think you are not right.要来得委婉呢?
I don't think you are right.是你是对的,只是我不这么认为而已.我有可能是错误的.
而I think you are not right.你是不对的,我就是这么认为的.怎么了?到哪里我都这么说!
I think there ____any paper money in the future.
A.will be B.will have C.won't be D.won't have
Susan_____ there ______be less pollution in several years.
A.thinks;won't B.doesn't think ;will C.thought;won't D.thought;will
I don't think there is anything of interest in your picture.
再如:I don't believe you two have met yet.(=I believe you two haven't met yet).
I don't believe you two have met,have you?
(2)连系动词appear,seem,feel as if(like),look as if(like),sound as if (like)等在句中的谓语否定也属否定转移.
It doesn't seem that they can get their belongings back.(=It seems that they can't get their belongings back.)
当主句中有 :I think ( suppose ,expect ,believe ,imagine ,guess ) 时.应当否定 这些词,其实就是对后面从句的否定 ,应当注意的是主语必须是 "I " ,其他主语同于一般动词的否定.如:I don't think you are right .(我认为你不对.)
I don't believe they will win the game .(我相信他们不会赢得这场比赛.)
She supposed that we couldn't arrive so early .( 他认为我们不会到到达如此早.)

英语中什么时候不用否定转移为什么 I think that animals should not live in the zoos.一句中没有否定转移?什么时候用否定转移,什么时候不用否定转移? 什么时候英语否定转移看到书上的 有的否定转移 I don't think you are tall I think you aren't tall 这两种一个是否定转移一个没有到底该不该否定转移?什么时候否定转移? You don't think I have made mistakes ,do you 为什么反意疑问句不用 don't you 这句话是不是否定转移,如果是为什么反意疑问句不用 don't you I think that English is not so difficult as math.为什么不用否定转移? 英语否定句中什么时候用“be+not''什么时候用don't/doesn't能不能举例 英语的否定转移问题我相信他不会来,I don't believe he'll come如果要表达我不相信他不会来怎么转移? 英语中带must的句子变反义疑问句怎么变?I must go now ,must't I.这里为什么用 must't I.不用need't I 英语否定转移我的书上有这样一句话.I think that it is not impolite to smoke during a meal in France.为什么不是I don't think that it is impolite to smoke during a meal in France. 一道关于反义疑问句的英语题There is little doubt in your mind that he is innocent,____?is there 为什么不用 is he我承认 这点学的不好 求教 另外 什么时候否定转移 什么时候用从句的主语来反问 You don't think I have made mistakes .这句话也是否定转移吗?第二人称是不是也是否定转移 i didn't believe they could do the work 是否定转移吗否定转移,要求主句是什么时态 英语中否定前移是什么为什么除了I/we think/believe 加don't可直接否定,其他宾语从句否定加doesn't和加don't的中文意思不一样?不一样在哪里? 英语翻译英语中有一个否定转移的翻译为:She did`t marry him because he was of a noble origin.她不是由于他出身高贵才嫁给他的.否定转移看得我一头雾水, 不是think要否定转移吗?那么Some little kids think they don`t get enough gifts.这句话为什么没否定转移这么说否定转移不是必须转移了? 英语定语从句中,什么时候用that,什么时候不用that? 英语否定转移的句型!I think she can speak Chinese and Japanese.改为否定句应该是“I don't think she can speak Chinese ( )Japanese.”括号里应该是and还是or? no,i can't 为什么 否定句吗no,i can't 为什么不是否定句 英语中不能使用双重否定吗?I don't want no cake.不行,