1.别担心,我很快就会回来Don't worry,I will come back____ ____ ____2.从那以后,人们把他当成了国家英雄___ ____,people___ ___ ___a national hero3.除了有几张桌子,这个房间里什么都没有There is nothing in the room___

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/20 03:36:24

1.别担心,我很快就会回来Don't worry,I will come back____ ____ ____2.从那以后,人们把他当成了国家英雄___ ____,people___ ___ ___a national hero3.除了有几张桌子,这个房间里什么都没有There is nothing in the room___
Don't worry,I will come back____ ____ ____
___ ____,people___ ___ ___a national hero
There is nothing in the room___ ___several chairs.

1.别担心,我很快就会回来Don't worry,I will come back____ ____ ____2.从那以后,人们把他当成了国家英雄___ ____,people___ ___ ___a national hero3.除了有几张桌子,这个房间里什么都没有There is nothing in the room___
in a moment
After that (Since then), regarded him as
except for
如果答案您满意,请记得采纳噢!(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

1.in a moment
2.Since then ,regard him as或者treat him as
3.except for

1.别担心,我很快就会回来Don't worry,I will come back____ ____ ____2.从那以后,人们把他当成了国家英雄___ ____,people___ ___ ___a national hero3.除了有几张桌子,这个房间里什么都没有There is nothing in the room___ 别担心,我会很快和你联系的(翻译) don't worry ,i'll __ __ __ you soon 别担心,我会尽快返回的.Don't worry.L will be back_____________. 她说话的声音太小了,我几乎听不见.She spoke in such a low voice that I ___ ___ ___ her.不要担心,我很快就会回来.Don't worry,I will be back ___ ___ ___ ___.我们对唱歌一点兴趣都没有。We ___ ___ ___ singing at all. 别担心!我会尽力帮你的.Don't worry!I'll ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ you. Don't worry,I'll() () what you said 别担心,我会照着你说的话做 别担心,我会替你去那儿的.Don't worry.I will go there_____ -______you 别担心,他一回来我就把电影票给他 的英语怎么说 英语翻译1.我起床太晚了,没赶上早班车昨天晚上一直到十二点我才睡着如果我有空,就来参加晚会他不再住在这儿了别担心,迟早他会回来的 “别让我担心”英文可以这么说吗?Don't make me worry. 别担心,我会照着你所说的话做Don't worry,I'll()() what you said快点,急,5分钟 Don't worry,I'll --------my child---------.别担心,下班后我会把孩子接走的. 填句子,大家帮帮忙哈 以后别生病,我会担心,英语翻译 别担心 Don't be worried Don't worry别担心是 Don't be worried 还是Don't be worry?worry可以作名词的.`` 英语翻译这些我都会 别做don't do it别担心don't worry别哭don't cry别迟到don't be late 别傻了don't be silly别偷懒don't be lazy请问什么情况下加be 什么情况下不加be 宝贝,别担心,有我在用英语怎么说?baby i'm here don't worry对吗? 要很快的英文歌一定要和 别碰我 Don't push me 一样快!比他更快就更好了 根据汉语提示完成英语句子1、别担心,Tom会尽快回来的.Don't worry ,Tom will come back —— —— —— ——.2、布朗太太总是抱怨做太多的家务.Mrs Brown is always —— —— ——too much housework.3、你应