
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 19:32:39


全国人民代表大会 National People's Congress (NPC)
  全国人民政治协商会议 National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)
  2009两会 NPC and CPPCC 2009
  There is a substantial difference between motions submitted to a session of the National People's Congress (NPC) and proposals to the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).
  Full coverage:(全面报道)
  NPC and CPPCC 2009
  Related readings:
  99% of advisors' proposals handled(处理) or replied
  Six proposals offered for cross-Straits relations
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  The difference lies in that as the NPC is the country's top legislature(最高立法机构),an NPC motion (提议,动议)becomes legally binding(受法律约束的) when it is adopted(采纳); while a proposal(提案) to the CPPCC National Committee,the top advisory body(最高决策层),is not legally binding whether it is adopted or not.
  NPC motions are submitted(采用) by NPC deputies or relevant departments to the NPC.
  According to the Constitution,NPC deputies and members of the NPC Standing Committee (常务委员会)have the right to submit motions and proposals within the respective(各自的) functions and powers of the NPC and its Standing Committee in accordance with procedures prescribed by law(法律规定的程序).
  According to the Organic Law(基本法,组织法) of the NPC and NPC rules for the discharging of its duties,a motion on issues within the power of the NPC can be raised by the presidium (主席团)of the NPC,the NPC Standing Committee,special committees of the NPC,the State Council,the Supreme People's Court,the Supreme People's Procuratorate,a provincial-level delegation(代表团) (of deputies) to the NPC,or a group of at least 30 NPC deputies.
  Afterwards,the NPC presidium decides if a motion is to be included in the agenda(议程) of an NPC session(会议),or to be first handed over to a relevant special committee for examination.The special committee is to suggest to the presidium whether or not the motion is to be included in the agenda.
  A motion,after examination by NPC deputies at full meetings of delegations or panel (专题讨论小组)meetings,will be transferred(递交) by the presidium to a relevant special committee for further examination.The presidium will examine the report from the special committee and decide to submit the motion to a plenary(全体的,完全出席的) session of the NPC for a vote.Adoption requires a simple majority voting in favor.
  Members of the CPPCC put forward proposals to offer comments and suggestions on major political and social issues of the country to people's congresses and the government via the CPPCC.
  For the presentation of a proposal,there is no restriction on timing,scope and number of sponsoring members.Generally,CPPCC members can raise a proposal in one of the following ways:
  -- by one member or a group of members;
  -- by one group or more groups jointly during the plenary sessions of the CPPCC;
  -- in the name of a party or people's organization that has joined the CPPCC; and
  -- in the name of a sub-committee of the CPPCC National Committee.
  A department in charge of handling proposals is obliged to give a reply to each proposal.Generally speaking,an NPC motion is raised when the NPC is in session; while members of the CPPCC can raise proposals at any time they wish.

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