rather than 后接的动词与前面的动词是互相照应的吗?是不是前后一直吖?比如I drank much water rather than---- food该写上eat 还是 ate

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 03:19:40

rather than 后接的动词与前面的动词是互相照应的吗?是不是前后一直吖?比如I drank much water rather than---- food该写上eat 还是 ate
rather than 后接的动词与前面的动词是互相照应的吗?
是不是前后一直吖?比如I drank much water rather than---- food
该写上eat 还是 ate

rather than 后接的动词与前面的动词是互相照应的吗?是不是前后一直吖?比如I drank much water rather than---- food该写上eat 还是 ate
ate,rather than之前和之后接的动词在时态语态上必须一致,不是互相照应,是平衡,不过,你仍然可以叫它照应.



(1)Rather than risk breaking up his marriage he told his wife everything. 他惟恐婚姻破裂, 把一切都告诉了妻子.
(在这句里,rather than后接的是risk的原形,而he后接的则是动词过去式told)
(2)Bryson decid...


(1)Rather than risk breaking up his marriage he told his wife everything. 他惟恐婚姻破裂, 把一切都告诉了妻子.
(在这句里,rather than后接的是risk的原形,而he后接的则是动词过去式told)
(2)Bryson decided to quit rather than accept the new rules.
(在这句里,前面是to quit,而rather than后仍然接accept这样的原形)


rather than 后接的动词与前面的动词是互相照应的吗?是不是前后一直吖?比如I drank much water rather than---- food该写上eat 还是 ate rather than /would rather than 后接什么时态的动词? 不是说rather than后接动词原形嘛,那prefer to do rather than doing是怎么回事?是不是除了这个句型其他的rather than后都接原型 rather than 与more than的区别 would rather之后有的书上写would rather与than后的动词是过去式,也就是后面用虚拟语气.而the soldiers would rather sooner die than surrender.这里是用动词原形,什么时候的动词是过去式什么时候用原形? rather than 何时接动词原形或动词ing 关于 rather than后面所接动词的形式我们通常把would rather后的动词理解成省略to的不定式,即动词原形.请大家探讨一下下面这几题:1.I like drawing rather than ______ in my spare time.A.read B.reading C.to read D 高二英语课本中的一句话求解语法This would allow hearing-impaired customers to enjoy the company of their hearing friends rather than having to sit in a special area.rather than 后不应该用动词原型和前面的成分对应么? rather than后面所接的动词时态是怎样的?RT rather than后面接的动词的时态有几种,应该怎么用,说明白点 prefer rather thanprefer后面接动词的什么形式?rather than 后面呢?还有类似的would rather 又怎么用?我成浆糊了.. rather than放句首后面加动词的什么形式? 英语中“rather than”的前后动词该怎样,是什么形式? rather than 后面接动词原形,还是动名词?1 would rather do than do 中,这个句型,than 后面跟动词原形,请问:rather than 不和would 连用时,比如 rather than 表示,“而不是”这个意思的时候,后面的的 动词 用 关于prefer(或would like) to do rather than do 的特殊情况有没有前面的动词时态和后面不一样的 除了prefer to do rather than doing Rather.than后面一定接动词原型么 than后加动词什么形式是不是这样:前面的动词用什么形式,后面的就用什么形式,to do than to dodoing than dong Rather than与other than的区别是什么?