look!The robber is climbing——the wall.为什么填over不填across?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 07:57:21

look!The robber is climbing——the wall.为什么填over不填across?
look!The robber is climbing——the wall.为什么填over不填across?

look!The robber is climbing——the wall.为什么填over不填across?
如果填了across 那么不仅无法与climb链接使用,更会闹出“劫匪穿墙而过”的笑话
而climb over翻译为从上方翻越而过,符合爬墙的实际情况,

climb across 爬过
你用over 也太夸张了吧
over prep. 越过;在…之上;遍于…之上
这个人,爬墙才差不多~墙不是 跨栏,想越过就能越过的
哈哈 好像理解错了 不删除了 ~~不过我觉得 挺好玩的

over在什么什么之上 比如:sea , bridge
across穿过 比如:field river

look!The robber is climbing——the wall.为什么填over不填across? the police---(look )for the robber aren't they THE ROBBER怎么样 THE MIND ROBBER怎么样 Some of these men look like the robber who I saw.改为一般疑问句 what's the robber like?怎么翻译?它与what's ...look like?有何区别?robber不是橡皮的意思。是强盗的意思。 初一英语,要快,速度!~~写出下列介词或副词的反义词intooutbehindwith单项选择⒈( )There is a pair of glasses________his eyes.A.acrossB.overC.onD.in2.( )Look!A robber is climbing ________the window into the office.A.across S( ) the robber turned around The robber went( )the window last night A.across B.up C.through D.over -----!the car is comingA.Look out of B.Loook out C.Look up D.Look at Look!The two students___the same .They are twins.A、is looking B、look C、look at D、look like the environment is very polluted,so we must itA.look after B.look to C.look for D.look look!the children is Look ,this is _Giant.a.a b.the c./ ◆◆一道英语选择,find与find out的区别◆◆◆◆Anything that might help the police _________ the robber..A.look B.find C.look for D.find outB还是D,为什么?另外,这两个词组有什么区别? As is reported in the newspaper,dozens of people were arrested but none of them (被指控)the robber It is new in the world to catch robber with the help of mobile phone.的意思 The man’s eyes (wide?) with fear when he saw the robber’s gun.The man’s eyes () with fear when he saw the robber’s gun.选项:a、a.wide b、 b.widen c、 c.widened d、 d.widening