
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 17:41:57


Becuase I resisted massive pressure in all directions,everthing is so smooth.
The next,I will be more stronger to desige more works.
No matter how much effort and pay ,it is very deserved when it comes to my baby and my families.
Thank you for the blessings and encouragement,meanwhile wish you more happiness.

"Because I withstood the huge pressure, will then everything is running smoothly, I will have more power, to design more works. Think about the baby, my family, all my efforts and pay, is worth drop!!! Thank you for the blessings and encouragement, also wish you more happiness!!!"

Success didn't knock at my door. The pressure was unbelivable for me really. I will maintain the morale and go for more designs. With my family supporting in the background, especially my little baby,...


Success didn't knock at my door. The pressure was unbelivable for me really. I will maintain the morale and go for more designs. With my family supporting in the background, especially my little baby, I will definitely go all out. Now that I've got the reward, I will but try harder. Thank you for your congratulations and all the kind words. I wish the wind would be at our back all the time.



"Because I resisted various aspects pressure, everything will be so much, I will have more powerful motivation, to design out more work. Think about a baby, my family, all my efforts to pay, is worth drop!!! Thank you for your blessings and encouragement, and also wish you more and more happiness!!!"


英语翻译“因为我顶住了各方面巨大的压力,才会一切都那么的顺顺当当的,我会有更强大的动力,去设计出更多的作品.想想小宝宝,我的家庭,我的一切努力与付出,都是值得滴!谢谢大家的祝福 英语翻译这句话 They are determined to resist pressure to change the law.到底应该是 他们决心顶住要求改革法律的压力还是 他们决心顶住由于改革法律而带来的压力?请告知我为什么 我很清楚随之而来的巨大压力和挑战 英语翻译得优美点 建国六十周年中国的巨大变化和变迁关于政治、经济、社会关系(衣食住行)、文学、艺术等方面拜托了!请各方面都说一些,详细一些!谢谢了!请各方面都说一些,详细一些,分清楚类别,一堆我 巨大的压力 英文翻译 “巨大”的压力,这个巨大怎么翻译? 是GAY的都进来帮个忙.最近我喜欢的那个直男已经慢慢的开始被我掰弯了,可是我心里却很烦躁,因为我不想他以后跟我一样变成GAY,要承受社会和家庭的各方面压力,但是我又很舍不得他,不知道 英语翻译1.工作四小时之后,我们休息了一会儿2.煤燃烧时放出热.3.在北京逗留期间,我参观许多名胜古迹.4.在党的领导下,中国人民在各方面取得了巨大的成就5.学生们说着笑着在田里劳动6.他 32.5MPa相当于1平方米上面有多重的压力?或者说最多可以承受多少的重量?我原来算的也是3000多吨,能顶住么? 男人的一生怎么会有这么多的压力啊?事业、家庭各方面都有压力,男人活着我觉得好累啊~ 请专家指导:我的花花顶住屋顶了,该怎么办呀!同时我这花花的名字? 英语翻译:在过去的十年里我的家乡发生了巨大的变化 英语翻译:我惊喜的发现,最近十年家乡发生了巨大的变化(take place) 树勇敢地顶住了山洪的凶猛.修辞手法 英语翻译:那一刻,您给了我一个巨大的惊喜 英语翻译 我生日那天,父亲所说的带来了巨大的喜悦(produce) 英语翻译人口的不断增长给农业,生态,环境带来了巨大的压力 是这个意思就OK 希望地道点的 巨大的成就英语翻译