
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 01:57:13


(for) the first/second/last etc time
(only) time will tell
next time/(the) last time/this time
a good/bad time
a long/short/limited
ahead of your/its time
ahead of/behind time
all in good
all the time
amount of time
ancient times
any time
arrival/departure time
... at a time
at a/the time when
at all
at any one time
at no time
at no time did/was etc
at one
at some/any/that time
at the time
at the time of sth
at this
at times
at/in/during etc the time of sth
before your
behind the times
by the time
changes over time
etc time
do time
do you have the time?
every/each time
etc times
for a time
for any length of time
for some time
for the
time being
free/spare time
from time to time
good/bad/hard etc
had the time of ... life
had ... time over again
half the
have a good/great/lovely etc time
have a lot of/no time for
have all the time in the world
have time
have time for
have time on your hands/time to kill
have you got the
have/get time to do sth
how many times ...?
in 10 days'/five
years'/a few minutes' etc time
in good time/in plenty of time
in no time
(at all)/in next to no time
in time
in time for
in time to do sth
time to/with sth
in your own (good) time
in your own time
in your
is that the time?
it's (only/just) a matter/question of time
about time
it's time for sth
it's time sb did sth
it's time to do
journey/travel time
just in time
keep perfect/good etc
keep/beat time
local time
look at the time
make good
make/find time (for sth/to do sth)
most of the
move/change/keep up with the times
nine times out of ten/99 times out
of 100 etc
not before time/and about time (too)
not the time/hardly the
on time
One time
opening/closing time
our time(s)
pass the time of day (with sb)
passed the time
period of
precious time
race/work/battle against time
right/bang/dead on
save time
sb's time in/at/as sth
spend ... time
take time to do
take your time
take your time doing sth
take your time
takes time
tell the time
tell time
the best/biggest etc ... of
all time
the first/second/next/last etc time round
the right time
is time
there's no time like the present
there's no time to lose
time tomorrow/last week etc
time after time/time and time again
time is a great healer/heals all wounds
time is money
time is on
your side
time is running out
time of day/year
time of life
time of
the month
time out of mind
time passes/goes by
time to spare
was (when)
time's up
took ... time
waste time
we're out of
what time do you have?
what time do you make it?
when the time
with time to spare
with time/given time
your time
Phrases from
other entries:
(for) a long time/while- see long, adj
(not) for any length
of time- see length, n
(the) next time- see next_determiner
a bad
time/moment etc- see bad, adj
a bumpy ride/time- see bumpy, adj
a devil of
a time/job etc- see devil, n
a good deal of trouble/time/work etc- see good,
a long time ago- see long, adj
a ... short period of time- see short,
a short space of time- see short, adj
a short time- see short,
a stitch in time (saves nine)- see stitch, n
a/one bit at a time- see
bit, adv
access time- see access time, n
again and again/time and (time)
again/over and over again- see again, adv
ahead of time- see ahead,
all the time in the world- see world, n
time/evidence/opportunity- see ample, adj
an opportune moment/time- see
opportune, adj
any old thing/place/time etc- see old, adj
time/place etc- see appropriate, adj
as good a time/place etc as any- see
good, adj
as time goes by- see go, v
at any given time/moment- see given,
at harvest/at harvest time- see harvest, n
at some time in the future-
see future, n
at the appointed time- see appoint, v
at the best of times-
see best, n
At the present time- see present, adj
at the same time- see
same, adj
at the time of- see of_prep
At this moment in time- see moment,
at this point in time- see point, n
at this time of night- see night,
bang on time- see bang, adv
be (caught/locked/stuck) in a time warp- see
time warp, n
be a long time/10 years etc in the making- see making, n
be a
waste of time/money/effort etc- see waste, n
be having a thin time (of it)-
see thin, adj
be in the right place at the right time- see right, adj
in the wrong place at the wrong time- see wrong, adj
be living on borrowed
time- see live, v
be marking time- see mark, v
be old before your time-
see old, adj
be pressed for time/cash etc- see press, v
be pressed for
time/money etc- see pressed, adj
be pushed for time/money etc- see pushed,
be timed for sth- see time, v
be timed to do sth- see time, v
worth the time/effort/work- see worth_prep
beat time- see beat, v
luck next time- see luck, n
biblical times- see biblical, adj
bide your
time- see bide, v
big time- see big time, n
boom years/times- see boom,
break time- see break, n
buy (sb) time- see buy, v
By the time ...
rolled around- see roll, v
call time (on sb/sth)- see call, v
called time
out- see time out, n
can't spare the time- see spare, v
closing time- see
closing time, n
complete waste of time- see complete, adj
countless times-
see countless, adj
day/date/time of purchase- see purchase, n
saving time- see daylight saving time, n
dead on time- see dead,
devote your time/energy/attention etc to sth- see devote, v
did ...
time- see do, v
double time- see double time, n
drinking-up time- see
drinking-up time, n
elapsed time- see elapse, v
every time- see
every time sb turns around- see turn, v
date/time/number/amount etc- see exact, adj
energy/effort/time/resources etc- see expend, v
extended period of time- see
extended, adj
extra time- see extra time, n
face time- see face time,
face time with- see face time, n
fall on hard/bad times- see fall,
fallen on hard times- see hard, adj
fill in time- see fill, v
your time/the days etc (with sth)- see fill, v
fix a time/date/place etc- see
fix, v
for the first time- see first, adj
for the umpteenth time- see
umpteenth, adj
free time- see free, adj
from that/this day/time/moment etc
forward- see forward, adv
from/since time immemorial- see immemorial,
full time- see full time, n
gain time- see gain, v
give me sth (any
day/time)- see give, v
give sb a hard time- see hard, adj
give sb time/a
few weeks/all day etc- see give, v
good for some time/a hundred miles etc-
see good, adj
good time- see good, adj
halt the march of time- see march,
happens all the time- see happen, v
hardly the time/place/person etc-
see hardly, adv
have a claim on sb's time/attention etc- see claim, n
a good time/day/weekend etc- see good, adj
have a good/terrible etc time- see
have, v
have a hard time- see hard, adj
have a hard time doing sth- see
hard, adj
have a hard time of it- see hard, adj
have a tough time (of it)-
see tough, adj
have a whale of a time- see whale, n
have an easy time (of
it)- see easy, adj
have an easy time of it- see easy, adj
have time (to do
sth)- see have, v
have time/luck/God/right etc on your side- see side,
hit the big time- see big time, n
if time permits- see permit, v
(the) course of time- see course, n
in days/times/years etc gone by- see go,
in double-quick time- see double quick, adv
in extra time- see extra
time, n
in former times/years- see former, adj
in good time (for sth/to do
sth)- see good, adj
in less than no time- see less_determiner
in modern
times- see modern, adj
in no time- see no_determiner
in olden times- see
olden, adj
in recent years/months/times etc- see recent, adj
in record
time- see record, n
in term time- see term, n
in the fullness of time- see
fullness, n
in the nick of time- see nick, n
in your own good time- see
good, adj
in your own sweet way/time- see sweet, adj
injury time- see
injury time, n
it is high time sb did sth- see high, adj
it's only/just a
matter of time- see matter, n
it's payback time- see payback, n
it's time
I was moving/we ought to get moving etc- see move, v
kill time/an hour etc-
see kill, v
lead time- see lead time, n
leisure time- see leisure,
let the good times roll- see let, v
limited number/amount/time etc- see
limited, adj
long ago/a long time ago- see ago, adv
long period of time-
see long, adj
long stretches of time- see stretch, n
long time no see- see
long, adj
lose all sense of time/direction/proportion etc- see lose,
lose no time in doing sth- see lose, v
lose time/2 days/3 hours etc- see
lose, v
lost in the mists of time- see mist, n
lost ... track of time- see
track, n
make up for lost time- see make, v
many a time- see
many's the time/day etc (that/when)- see
mark time- see mark, v
money/time etc to spare- see spare,
money/time/space etc to play with- see play, v
most of the time/most
days etc- see most_determiner
move with the times- see move, v
nearer the
time- see near, adv
nine times out of ten- see nine, number
no time like
the present- see present, n
Not for the first time- see first, adj
the time (for sb) to do sth- see now, adv
on short time- see short,
once upon a time- see once, adv
once/twice/three times etc a week- see
week, n
opening time- see opening time, n
peak times- see peak,
perfect timing- see perfect, adj
perfect way/place/time etc to do sth-
see perfect, adj
perfect/good/bad etc timing- see timing,
planned/timed/arranged to coincide- see coincide, v
play for time- see
play, v
precious seconds/minutes/hours/time- see precious, adj
prime time-
see prime time, n
quality time- see quality time, n
quite a/some time- see
race against time/against the clock- see race, n
against time/the clock- see race, v
reflects the mood of the time- see mood,
right time- see right, adj
rough times- see rough, adj
late/early/on time- see run, v
running time- see running time, n
time/day/moment etc- see sad, adj
sb puts his pants on one leg at a time- see
pants, n
sense of timing- see timing, n
serving time- see serve, v
a date/time (for sth)- see set, v
short time- see short, adj
sign of the
times- see sign, n
some time- see some_quantifier
some time ago- see ago,