诚实是人类的基本美德 英语对话英语口语对话 谢谢大家了 至少20句honesty is the basic virtue of humankind

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 17:05:38

诚实是人类的基本美德 英语对话英语口语对话 谢谢大家了 至少20句honesty is the basic virtue of humankind
诚实是人类的基本美德 英语对话
英语口语对话 谢谢大家了 至少20句
honesty is the basic virtue of humankind

诚实是人类的基本美德 英语对话英语口语对话 谢谢大家了 至少20句honesty is the basic virtue of humankind
As the English proverb goes,"honesty is the best policy."
Honesty means fairness and uprightness in speech and acts.It's a perfect treasure; the cultivation of it is the worthiest labor on earth.
It strengthens our mind,disciplines our faculties,and gives us independence of thought and personality.
Honesty should be practical in small matters as well as in big ones.For one thing,if you want to be trusted and respected by your friends,you must be honest.For another,if you want to succeed in your work,the first qualification you should have is honesty.
We know that,"To judge a man,one should judge him by his deeds.-Rousseau"
"True friends must tell the truth,no matter how sharp the words are.-Ostrovsky"
“The principal thing in this world is to keep one’s soul aloft.– Gustve Flaubert
“The truest politeness comes from sincerity.”
“Moral often can remedy the defect of wisdom,but wisdom will never remedy the defect of moral.”
Life is endlessly creative experience,and we are making ourselves every moment by every decision we make.We choose to be honest,and to pursue the truth,beauty and goodness in the world.
From what we get,we can make a living; what we give,however,make a life.
Fire is the test of gold,adversity of strong men.-Seneca
To treat the others with honesty,and make the life full of hope.
What is defeat?Nothing but the first step to something better.-Philips
You can fool some of the people all the time,and all of the people some of the time; but you can’t fool all of the people all the time.–[Am]Phineas Taylor Barnum
Note:Please use these sentences to make your own dialogue~I’m sure these words from sages and me will enlighten you.

honesty is the basic virtue of humankind.

诚实是人类的基本美德 英语对话英语口语对话 谢谢大家了 至少20句honesty is the basic virtue of humankind 珠宝 对话英语我想学一些关于销售珠宝的英语口语,还有基本的关于珠宝的词汇 英语情景对话 关于 提高英语口语的对话 诚实的名言警句~5条就好是诚实的 不是美德 请教英语中有关美德的词汇如 勤劳,诚实,勇敢,刻苦.最好多一点 英语作文 作弊危害行为可耻,为了掩饰自己的不足诚实是美德,要通过自己的努力,得到好成绩要禁止作弊100字左右 英语口语对话.明天下午就要英语口试了..有哪位朋友可以帮我一篇英语口语的对话啊..越简单越好..最好是初中水准的.. 寻找英语口语入门书!我是一个基本不懂英语的人,但我很想在一个月里迅速提高我的英语口语(为出国)有谁可以帮忙推荐一下比较好的英语口语书啊 在此先谢过了 最好是对话形式的日常口语 有什么英语口语情景对话吗?英语课要用最好是那种在线英语式的 空姐必须知道的英语基本对话 日常交际英语对话,最基本的! 日常英语口语对话,要英语的,最少8句,在线等,谢谢了要是英语日常的对话,是对话,不是句子,最少8句 急用PETS英语口语二级情景对话去看电影,购物,图书馆借书、就餐、银行、商店、购物、邮局时候的英语对话.注意是英语对话.急用 圣人说“诚实是一切人性美德的基础”,我也要求孩子要诚实,孩子如果对我撒谎,我会很愤怒.但我也担心,诚实的孩子会不会吃亏?现实当中,撒个小谎便得好处咱也没少见过,诚实吃亏咱也见不 我只想练英语口语,主要想能听懂美国人对话,自己能说点基本的英语,这样都强过所谓过六级有什么比较好的方法? 人类的美德有哪些? 人类的美德有哪些? 英语口语的基本语法