
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 14:47:20


His father,being a doctor,was dead when he was only five years old.Thanks to his mother's care he was brought up successfully.He had soft,timid and emtional temperament.The schooling for him had been fairly smooth from primary school to university where he changed his major from theology to law due to his lack of confidence of the former.He quit his job in the politics due to its corruption and practised farming consequently in an effort to improve farmers' lives by means of education.
Education is an important means to carry out social reforms and facilitate development.
He proposed to establish a democratic and equal education system.
Through making laborers and their offsprings more educated,he can help them to enhance their miserable circumstances.
To synchronize the teaching process with the natural development of children's minds
All the knowledge consist of some simplest "elements",which are the most basic seeds of children's natural abilities
to divide education into moral education,physical educaiton and intellectual education
For the first time,education was built on the basis of psychology.He put forward the great theory of psychologized education.He made great contributions to the development of modern education theories.His educational ideologies had a profound impact to international educators,including the famous German educator Johann Friedrich Herbart,Friedrich Wilhelm August Froebel,Friedrich Adolf Wilhelm Diesterweg and so on.His educational thoughts began to be known in China in the late Qing dynasty and had certain influence on primary education of our country.

Father is a doctor. 5 years old father, mother growth of lysine, such feeling, and after entering the middle school, University, by learning without faith preaching to study law, political corruption ...


Father is a doctor. 5 years old father, mother growth of lysine, such feeling, and after entering the middle school, University, by learning without faith preaching to study law, political corruption and calendar to Xi Nong, trying to improve the farmers through the education of life.
Education is an important means of social reform and development.
Advocate the establishment of a democratic and equal education system
Workers and their children by raising the level of cultural knowledge, change their miserable living conditions
The teaching process and children's psychological and natural development of consistent
All knowledge exists in some of the most simple "elements", they are the natural ability to sprout children most simple
The education into moral education, physical and mental.
The first education based on psychological. Put forward the "educational psychology" this great theory. Made a great contribution to the development of modern educational theory. Has a broad international influence education thought, famous German educator Herbart, Froebel, Diesterweg, are deeply influenced by. Education was introduced to China in the late Qing Dynasty, also has a certain influence to our country elementary education.


The father to the doctor. 5 years old father, lai loving mother, gentle coward feeling, and into the middle school and university, after XiuShen learn and not believe its preaching and learn the law, ...


The father to the doctor. 5 years old father, lai loving mother, gentle coward feeling, and into the middle school and university, after XiuShen learn and not believe its preaching and learn the law, and through the political corruption and XiNong, trying to improve the farmers' living through education.
Education is an important means of social reform and development.
To establish a democratic equal education system
Through improve the level of laborers and their children's cultural knowledge, change their miserable life situation
The teaching process is consistent with the natural development of children's psychology
There are some of the most simple in all knowledge "elements", they are the children's natural ability to the buds of the simplest
Education can be divided into moral education, physical education and intellectual education.
For the first time establish on the basis of psychology education. Proposed "education psychology" the great theory. Made great contribution to the development of modern education theory. Education thought has a broad international influence, the German famous educator herbart, ferro bell, more than the first, etc, were deeply affected. Education thought in the late qing dynasty began in our country, to our country elementary education has produced a certain influence.
