问一个英语问题:It's your's,but others use it more than you do.what is it?告我

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 12:16:23

问一个英语问题:It's your's,but others use it more than you do.what is it?告我
问一个英语问题:It's your's,but others use it more than you do.what is it?告我

问一个英语问题:It's your's,but others use it more than you do.what is it?告我

your name

my name

ur name


It is your name!

问一个英语问题:It's your's,but others use it more than you do.what is it?告我 一个英语问题.who is your favorite actor?但下面是It”s jack一个英语问题.who is your favorite actor?但下面是It”s jackie chan.为什么第2句是用It它而不是he? 一个英语脑筋急转弯我不知道这属不属于脑筋急转弯,但这个问题我一定要问.What letter is good for your health?It's( )请把上面的问题翻译成中文,再解答,最好是说明为什么! 回答英语问题:And what about your bedroom?It's( ).请用英语回答,不用翻译. it's your It's your turn. it's with your It's your ture! it’s in your 问英语疑问句型的问题!What nationality are you?可以问成What's your nationality? 英语,救急!I see your face ,it's haunting me 问,几道新概念上的英语题1.It's your turn.______a.it's your line b.it's your row c.you're next d.it' your chance2.This note is only a reminder.it's______.a.nothing b.no one c.nothing extra d.nothing more3.The chair was beside the door .it wa what's your It‘s 8 it's your turns还是it's your turn 问大家一个英语的语音问题.What's the problem?和What's the matter?为什么美国人前者的the发音了而后者的没有发音?还有一个问题是It's the top of the line.和It's a state of the art printer.这两个中,为什么前者 问题1:我想问你一个问题 用英语怎么说?问题2:春天的天气怎么样?3月里常常刮风.4月和5月的天气总是暖洋洋的,但有时下雨.What's the whether like in spring? It's often windy in March.It's always warm in 问:what's your job? it's your turn nom.