let's make it at 3 o'clock on saturday afternoon ,为什么要用介词it?sorry,字打错了,应该改为:为什么要用介词at,另一本书上说不应该用那个介词,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 11:46:45

let's make it at 3 o'clock on saturday afternoon ,为什么要用介词it?sorry,字打错了,应该改为:为什么要用介词at,另一本书上说不应该用那个介词,
let's make it at 3 o'clock on saturday afternoon ,为什么要用介词it?

let's make it at 3 o'clock on saturday afternoon ,为什么要用介词it?sorry,字打错了,应该改为:为什么要用介词at,另一本书上说不应该用那个介词,
it 指约定
其实,用at还常见些,at可要可不要,因为,make 既可接名词,又可接介词短语做宾补,见例句:
We can make it at 8∶ 00.
Do you think you can make it at...
I'm afraid I can't make it at 5 o'clock.
.I'm afraid he can't make it at 4:00.Would you make it another time?
That's o.k.then let's make it three o'clock at my office.

例如:I will go there at 7 o'clock.

it 在这里是介词??
不知道谁告诉你这个句子,或者哪个英文课本,但我可以告诉你,这是个病句,at 不该用在这里。下午3点钟,老外只会说: 3:00pm ,根本不会使用afternoon. 真正的英语生活里,afternoon只是用来表达没有具体时间的下午这个概念。有具体几点钟的时候,老外99.99%的概率只是用am 表达上午,pm表达下午,即使是最正式的场合都是这样用,比如国际大公司之...


it 在这里是介词??
不知道谁告诉你这个句子,或者哪个英文课本,但我可以告诉你,这是个病句,at 不该用在这里。下午3点钟,老外只会说: 3:00pm ,根本不会使用afternoon. 真正的英语生活里,afternoon只是用来表达没有具体时间的下午这个概念。有具体几点钟的时候,老外99.99%的概率只是用am 表达上午,pm表达下午,即使是最正式的场合都是这样用,比如国际大公司之间的邮件,政府之间的交流等。


make it 及时到达;成功
表示几点钟,at 3 o'clock 没问题
通常下午in the afternoon
但是具体某天下午,on Saturday afternoon 完全可以

Let's make -----five o'clock A it at B it let's ____ it at 4 o'clock A make B help 选哪一个,为什么 shall we meet at six o'clock?we had better a little later.let's __seven o'clock.a:to make it at b:to make it c:make it at d:make it Let's make it 2:00 还是Let's make it at 2:00 let ^s make it at 5 o^clock in the afternoon.这句话对吗at 要不要省略 Let‘ s make it! Could we see each other at nine o'ciock tomorrow morning?Sorry ,let's make it () time. let's make an O let's make it at 3 o'clock on saturday afternoon ,为什么要用介词it?sorry,字打错了,应该改为:为什么要用介词at,另一本书上说不应该用那个介词, Let's Make It 歌词 Let‘s make it ( )nine o'clock ( )the morning of this Sunday.A at in B / in C at on D / on don't make a c______in a hurry.let's make it clear at first Could we see each other at 3o'clock this afternoon?Sorry,let's make it __ time A.other's B.the other C.another D.other选哪个,为什么? “make it 后面直接+时间不用介词”用法六 表示约定时间.”Let’s make it at seven o’.怎么加at?我是一名初三学生 这周末中考.希望您能尽快帮我解决这个问题. 下面的英语怎么选择what time shall we meet ok,Let's make it _________A.at seven B.seven O'clock C.seven D.on seven 英语 —What time shall we meet?let's make it ____nine o'clock.A.at B.on C.for D./选什么? Could we see each other at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning?Sorry.let's make it --- time.选another,但time是不可数名词啊,为什么不用other? could we see each other at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning?sorry,let's make it _time为什么选CA others B the other C another D other