
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 10:02:14


Board of Directors 董事会
President 行长
Executive Office 经理办公室
Personnel Dept.人事部
General Affairs Dept.总务部
Co-ordination & Planning Dept.综合计划部
International Dept.国际业务部
Overseas Branches Dept.海外部
Foreign Exchange Dept.外汇资金部
First Credit Dept.信贷一部
Second Credit Dept.信贷二部
Accounting Dept.财会部
International Clearing Dept 国际清算部
Banking Dept.营业部
Credit Card Dept.信用卡部
General Auditing Dept.总稽核室
Computer Center 电脑部
Training Management Dept.教育部
Institute of International Finance 国际金融研究所
Trust and Consultation Co.信托咨询公司
金融/保险/银行 Banking & Financial Services / Insurance
证券/期货/外汇经纪人 Stock Broker
投资/理财顾问 Investment Advisor
证券分析师 Securities Analyst
投资/基金项目经理 Investment Manager
融资经理/融资主管 Treasury Manager/Supervisor
融资专员 Treasury Specialist
行长/副行长 President/Vice-President/Branch Manager
资产评估/分析 Assets Valuation/Analyst
风险控制 Risk Management
进出口/信用证结算 Trading / LC Officer
清算人员 Settlement Officer
外汇主管 Foreign Exchange Supervisor
高级客户经理/客户经理 Senior Relationship Manager
客户主管/专员 Relationship Supervisor/Executive
信贷/信用调查/分析人员 Loan/Credit Officer
银行柜台出纳 Bank Teller
统计员 Statistician
银行卡、电子银行业务推广 Credit Card/E-banking business Develop
保险精算师 Actuary
保险核保/理赔 Adjuster
保险代理/财务规划师/储备经理人 Insurance Agent/Financial Planner
保险内勤 Insurance Office Staff