
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 17:47:12


1.Familiar with equipment management processes and took part in scribing and establishing the equipment management related regulations of the company.
2.Proficient in various office applications such as Excel and Autocad.Be able to utilize equipment management software to set up maintenance processes without any paper needed for maintenance working documents and to realize a network sharing of the equipment standing books with equipment documents.
3.Strong communication skills and good spoken English.

1.Familiar with the enterprise device management processes involved in the preparation and the establishment of the company facilities management related systems.
2.Skilled use of excel, autocad a...


1.Familiar with the enterprise device management processes involved in the preparation and the establishment of the company facilities management related systems.
2.Skilled use of excel, autocad and other office software, and use the device management software company maintenance procedures established to achieve a single paperless maintenance man, Equipment Accounting and equipment to achieve a network to share documents.
3.Strong communication skills, good English speaking ability.


1, familiar with equipment management process, and established a company in writing of the equipment management system.
2, skilled in the use of excel, autocad office software, and use of equipmen...


1, familiar with equipment management process, and established a company in writing of the equipment management system.
2, skilled in the use of excel, autocad office software, and use of equipment management software company, realize the maintenance process produces single paperless, equipment, equipment stand-books document realized network shares
3 and communication skills, good oral English ability.


1 To me, the process of corperate deivice administration has a certain familiarity, and much has been done by me for the company's device administration system's establishment.

2 The adeptio...


1 To me, the process of corperate deivice administration has a certain familiarity, and much has been done by me for the company's device administration system's establishment.

2 The adeption at utilizing such softwares as Excel,autocad,etc.and at applying administrative softwares to set up the corporation reparation process, makes paperless maintenance recording come true and realizes that deive account statistics, and apparatus documents are shared on line.
3 A strong capability to communicate; eminent English oral expression.
英语专业,完全自己翻译, 希望楼主满意.


英语翻译1、熟悉企业设备管理流程,参与编写并建立了公司的设备管理相关制度.2、熟练使用excel、autocad等办公软件,并使用设备管理软件建立公司维修流程,实现维修工单无纸化,设备台帐、设 设备管理流程包括哪些内容? 如何理解 设备管理 这门课程从个人方面如何理解设备管理还有从企业方面 求企业采购流程? 英语翻译1.参与租赁策略制定及执行,熟悉租赁流程,负责客户接待、洽谈工作,促成签约; 2.熟悉办公楼市场的各项信息,拥有良好的租户关系及一定的租赁客户资源;3.管理并配合代理公司做 英语翻译1.可以熟练操作CAD软件2.熟悉污水处理流程3.非常熟悉怎样设计污染处理方案 英语翻译熟悉测试流程,知道如何判断缺陷及处理缺陷. 英语翻译职责:1、管理公司内部的设备管理及物品采购工作.2、内部人员考勤管理,规章制度的完善. 什么是企业流程重组BPRrt 英语翻译1、自我评价3年发动机总成工程师,兼产品工程师经验。熟悉发动机装机、整机实验。熟悉冷却及润滑系统零部件相关工作;多次参与发动机项目的开发,技术攻关。熟练操作CAXA、A 企业如何参与智慧城市建设 政府参与企业经营管理吗 英语翻译参加LG11 EP3试产,熟悉EP阶段基本流程协助Fanny领料 熟悉领料流程及注意事项参加机种Review Meeting 对机种Review Meeting有一个大概的了解 英语翻译1、告警日志2、端口监测3、端口映射4、设备监测5、设备管理翻译器用不到,我自己都可以翻出来,只是想找个专业点的。 怎样做棉花企业的流程 汉译英:企业办公流程审批系统 企业流程再造强调( )理念. 企业的运作流程英文怎么说