
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 00:18:46


He threw down the bottle from the top of a high building , it crashed heavily on the ground and broken into pieces

He threw the bottle down from the high floor to the ground, ruthlessly hit on the ground, broken into pieces

He threw the bottle from the top of a very high building and the bottle hit on the ground heavily and was broken into pieces.

“他把这个瓶子从高高楼顶上扔了下来,狠狠地砸在了地上摔成了粉碎。”"He took the bottle from standing on the top of a high threw down violently and hit on the ground it broke into pieces."

中文翻译:He put the bottle on the roof from high throw down, ruthlessly hit on the ground breaking it into pieces.

he dropped the bottle from the top of the tower and smashed it.

He took the bottle from high on top of a tall building to throw down, crashed to the ground and broke into pieces.

He threw down a bottle from the top of a very high building , it crashed very heavily on the ground and was broken into pieces.