嫦娥奔月的英文版做小报用的 简单一点 容易抄一点的初一的啊!

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嫦娥奔月的英文版做小报用的 简单一点 容易抄一点的初一的啊!
做小报用的 简单一点 容易抄一点的

嫦娥奔月的英文版做小报用的 简单一点 容易抄一点的初一的啊!
很久以前,羿到山中狩猎的时候,在一棵月桂树下遇到嫦娥,二人便以月桂树为媒,结为夫妻.   到了帝尧的时代,天上出现了十个太阳,烧焦了庄稼,烤死了草木,人民没有了食物.同时猰貐、凿齿、九婴、大风、封豨、修蛇等也开始危害百姓.于是帝尧命令羿将凿齿处死在畴华之野,将九婴诛杀于凶水之上,将大风战败于青邱之泽,射十日,杀死猰貐,将修蛇斩于洞庭,在桑林逮住封豨.万民欢喜,拥戴尧为天子.   后来,羿从西王母那里得到了不死药,交给嫦娥保管.逢蒙听说后前去偷窃,偷窃不成就要加害.情急之下,嫦娥吞下不死药飞到了天上.由于不忍心离开羿,嫦娥滞留在月亮广寒宫.广寒宫里寂寥难耐,于是就催促吴刚砍伐桂树,让玉兔捣药,想配成飞升之药,好早日回到人间与羿团聚.   羿听说嫦娥奔月之后,痛不欲生.月母为二人的真诚所感动,于是允许嫦娥每年在月圆之日下界与羿在月桂树下相会.据说民间有好多人都曾经听到羿与嫦娥在月桂树下窃窃私语呢.
A long time ago, Yi to hunting in the hills when, in a laurel to meet the moon, two people with laurel media, the knot is husband and wife. The Emperor Yao time, appear ten suns in the sky, burning crops, grilled dead vegetation, people have no food to eat. At the same time Ya Yu, chisel tooth, nine infants, gale, letter, with repair snake began to harm people. So the Emperor Yao Yi will command chisel tooth executed in the domain of the Lord will be wild, nine baby starts to fierce above the water, the wind of the defeat in the Qingqiu Ze, shot ten, kill Ya Yu, will build the snake cut in Dongting, caught in a mulberry letter s. People joy, pro-dai Yao as the son of heaven. Later, Yi from the queen mother of the west get medicine, Chang'e custody. Feng Meng told to go after the theft, not a theft to harm. In desperation, Chang'e swallowed the medicine flew to heaven. Could not bear to leave Yi, Chang stuck in the moon palace. Guanghan Gong Li intolerable loneliness, so he urged Wu Gang felling laurel, so that the Rabbit pounding medicine, like soaring dubbed the drugs, can return to earth and Yi reunion. After Yi heard Chang'e, hardly wished to live. Mother to two months touched by the sincerity, so allow the Chang'e moon in each day of full moon lower bound with Yi in laurel meet. It is said that people have a lot of people have heard Yi and the moon in the laurel of whisper to one another.
Hou Yi in the queen mother of the West have been able to escape death in the elixir of life, but Hou Yi's wife Chang'e secretly eaten elixir, and rush to the moon.