请帮忙改这个英语句子!please wear comfortable shoes because we will have a hard time to climb the mountian.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 19:15:57

请帮忙改这个英语句子!please wear comfortable shoes because we will have a hard time to climb the mountian.
please wear comfortable shoes because we will have a hard time to climb the mountian.

请帮忙改这个英语句子!please wear comfortable shoes because we will have a hard time to climb the mountian.
please wear comfortable shoes because we will have a hard time climbing the mountian
have a hard time doing sth.费力干某事


We will have a hard time to climb the mountian, so please wear comfortable shoes.

我怎么记得,have a hard time是用来指学业这方面的,不太适用与爬山吧``(仅供参考:it will be difficult for us to climbing the mountain if you wear uncomfortable shoes,so please wear a comfortable one.)

请帮忙改这个英语句子!please wear comfortable shoes because we will have a hard time to climb the mountian. 英语句子改错:But we have some hobbyBut we have some hobby这句话有错吗,有错请帮忙改一下并说说理由, 请帮忙检查一下这个英语句子有无错误Everyone kowns the importance that we should learn English well 英语填句子 请帮忙! 这个英语句子是否正确?帮忙看下谢谢 如果错了请帮忙改正 谢谢 一个英语句子大家看看是否有语法错误We know sit down and listen to others (我们知道应该坐下来倾听别人) 若错了 请帮忙改过来 We were very happy that we shouted loudly in the playground这个句子哪里有错?请帮忙纠正, 帮忙改哈句子 请英语高手帮忙分析下,这个句子成份!请英语高手帮忙分析下,这个句子成份:your house will take care of you in old age 英语句子改错:We have got the CD of pop songs.请说明错在哪里,为什么那样改 请各位帮忙把下面的英语句子,用英语解释,We have higher incomes,but lower morals. 请帮忙分析下下面这个句子结构Friendship helps us understand who we are,why we need each other and what we can do for each other. 请英语高手帮忙分析句子结构请英语高手帮忙分析下这个句子结构:I'm having trouble with my classmates. 请帮忙翻译一下这个句子,we have stopped work at three for the first time in years 麻烦帮忙看一下这个句子有没有错误,哪里错怎么改?As living a new life,we ought ti have new goals... 请英语高手帮忙分析句子结构 请帮忙分析下这个简单的英语句子结构The friendship will still exist 英语翻译帮忙翻译一下这个英语句子