
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 21:26:05


How's everything going?It has been long after we connected with each other last time.I have a lot of phone calls these days,so whether the cost would be overpaid is unknown.I am terribly sorry for that.Furthermore,I'd like to treat you to dinner in your free time,looking forward to your coming.

How are you? I haven't contact you for a while. recently I talk a lot on the phone,I'm not sure if my minutes is over or not,I'm sorry. beside, when do you have time, I want to invite you to have dinner with, make sure you will come.

how are you these days? we haven't contacted with each other for a long time.recently i have made a lot of phone calls and i don't know if there are any ultra-expenses,so i'm really sorry. in addition,when are you free ? i'd like to have dinner with you .you must honor.

Your last good, long time no connection with the police. I recently played a lot of phones, do not know not to spend super super, really sorry. In addition, when you are free to eat what I wanted you to, ah must honor.

Hi,how have you been lately,it seems like we haven't been in touch for a while,sorry about that ,i talk a lot on the phone recently and no sure if i already run out of the minute,OLO,any way,when are you free wanna treat you to the dinner,honour me with your presence!

hey, how's everything going. I havn't contacted you for a long time. I have been using the phone a lot recently, so Im really sorry that im not sure whether I have exceeded my bill limit. by the way, ...


hey, how's everything going. I havn't contacted you for a long time. I have been using the phone a lot recently, so Im really sorry that im not sure whether I have exceeded my bill limit. by the way, i would love to take you out to dinner, would you like to come?


how are you recently? it's quite some time since we talked. I am sorry that these days I made lots of calls and I am not aware whether the expense has exceeded or not. by the way, when would you have time as I wish to buy you a meal, please be kind to give this pleasure to me.

Hey bro/gal, hows things going, haven't contacted you in a long time. Made heaps of calls recently, I don't even know whether i've topped the charges or not so sorry. Anyway, when are you free coz i wana treat you with meal or so, so be sure to come when i do. cya.

英语翻译你最近好不好,好久没联系了.我最近电话打的很多,也不知道花费超没超,真是不好意思.另外,你什么时候有空我想请你吃饭,一定要赏脸啊. 英语翻译 好久没联系,最近好么 英语翻译tom,好久不见了,你知道jim最近在哪儿吗?他好久都没上网了,我也联系不到他,挺想他的,你知道他最近去哪了吗?最近在忙什么?回美国了吗?你要知道的话就快点儿回复我, 英语翻译1.好久都没看见你上网,你去哪了?难道最近你不在家?这封信你能不能收到. 英语翻译好久没联系了.现在想好好的给你写封信,你最近怎么样了,生活还好吗?那边的天气怎么样,现在是冬天了,你要注意身体啊!我这边的生活每天都很忙!不过这样的生活让我决的很充实,你 英语翻译好久没联系了,你还好吗,你没有在办公室对吗,给你打了几次电话都没有人接,是这样,我下周可能会去上海出差,是否可以去拜访你呢. 英语翻译内容如下:好久没联系了,我们放假了,终于可以休息一下了.注意身体.我一切都好. 汉译英 我好久没有和你联系了, 英语翻译好久没联系了,最近还好吗,你的工作每天都很繁忙吧,希望这封邮件你可以看得到.你确定还是15号来北京吗?很期待北京的一面之缘,不过北京最近的天气已经很有秋意了,你来的时候一 尊敬的老师,最近一切都还好吗?好久没有和你联系了,不知同学们现在怎么样了,他们还好吗?我很想你们! 英语翻译好久没联系了.过得好吗.我知道我是多问了.没有我的日子你肯定会过得很好.忘不了你.雪.当我难过的时候,我总会想到你 .关于你的一切,会想我的无知和你所有的好,忘了多久没听到 好久没见你发过照片了,你最近很忙吗? 用英语怎么说? 尊敬的老师,最近一切都还好吗?好久没有和你联系了,不知同学们现在怎么样?我很想你们!用英语怎么说? 英语翻译我们好久没有说话了吧,我从自己的电话号码里,删除了关于你的联系号码,害怕有时候迫于情歌的驱使,会在打扰你,我能关注你的途径,恐怕只有这网络了,不知道你最近过的怎样,我不 英语翻译好久没联系了,非常想念你,收到你的来信很高兴!很为你开心!恭喜你!也要告诉你一个好消息,我去年结婚了,并且在今年3月6号生了个女儿,还有那个产品依然没货,一有的话就立刻通知 求英语翻译:没有你的消息,我是有多么失落,也不知道你最近过得好不好. 好久没看见到你了,最近忙什么用英语怎么说 帮忙把这几句中文翻译成英文.谢谢啊好久没上网,也好久没有你的消息,我在这边蛮好的,你最近好吗,我很想你.