
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 11:48:19



The plane was late and detectives were
waiting at the airport all morning. They
were expecting a valuable parcel of dia-
mond from South Africa. A few hours
earlier, someone had told t...


The plane was late and detectives were
waiting at the airport all morning. They
were expecting a valuable parcel of dia-
mond from South Africa. A few hours
earlier, someone had told the police that
thieves would try to steal the diamonds.
When the plane arrived,some of the de-
tectives were waiting inside the main
building while others were waiting on the
airfield. Two men took the parcel off
the plane and carried it into the Customs
House. While two detectives were keep-
ing guard at the door, two others opened
the parcel. To their surprise, the precious
parcel was full of stones and sand!


寻一篇超经典的英文小短文,值得反复研读,背诵的那种最近才明白学英语的初期,不是数量上的取胜,而是精读的取胜.背的文章不要多,只要把仅有的做到极致,就可以入门了.所以, 你有哪些值得鼓掌的长处或者进步的事情,写一篇小短文 《泊秦淮》的意思改短文200字 不会反复反复反复反复反复反复反复反复反复反复反复反复反复反复反复反复反复反复反复反复反复反复反复反复反复反复反复发反反复 的 谁能写一篇超经典超感人的文章 写一篇关于动物的英文小短文 求一篇介绍姚明的小短文 ~~~~~ 英文~~~~! 写一篇在餐厅点菜的小短文,英文 以“我学校的规则”写一篇英文小短文 英语超小短文 求一篇英文小短文一定要短! 经典小故事,英文的, 求一篇写世博会的小短文,英文版的英文版的,切记 写一篇小短文,描写你的宠物或你喜欢的小动物.(英文) 求一篇英文小短文,题目是我最难忘的经历求一篇200字左右的英文小短文,我最难忘的经历, 请求一篇3000字的关于孙子兵法研读的论文 《出师表》中有人认为诸葛亮的忠相当狭隘,不值得盲目推崇,你怎样看待的写一篇小短文,不少于200字. 求几篇经典外国诗篇,短文?要英文的,不要太长? 谁能给我一个小短文(80-60字)和一篇40字的英文短文要简单的(50字)带中文.睡能给我一篇中文短文和一篇英文短文(带中文翻译)