英语语法:请帮我分析下句子的成分 从句的类型 do you think she is going to be cool that you broughtthat thing?宾语从句 she is going to be cool 后又接了个 that you brought that thing 从句

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 04:42:53

英语语法:请帮我分析下句子的成分 从句的类型 do you think she is going to be cool that you broughtthat thing?宾语从句 she is going to be cool 后又接了个 that you brought that thing 从句
英语语法:请帮我分析下句子的成分 从句的类型 do you think she is going to be cool that you brought
that thing?
宾语从句 she is going to be cool 后又接了个 that you brought that thing 从句

英语语法:请帮我分析下句子的成分 从句的类型 do you think she is going to be cool that you broughtthat thing?宾语从句 she is going to be cool 后又接了个 that you brought that thing 从句

Hello ,
这样行不: Do you think she is going to be cool
如果这样的话,by 引导的方式状语中,thing 引导了一个宾语从句,并...


Hello ,
这样行不: Do you think she is going to be cool
如果这样的话,by 引导的方式状语中,thing 引导了一个宾语从句,并且thing在从句中做brought的宾语。


相当于说Do you think she is going to be cool with your bringing that thing?意思是说,你觉得你带那个东西她会高兴吗?

Do you think 插入语,,后面的句子是陈述句语序

英语语法:请帮我分析下句子的成分 从句的类型 do you think she is going to be cool that you broughtthat thing?宾语从句 she is going to be cool 后又接了个 that you brought that thing 从句 分析the doctor has decided what to do.麻烦帮我分析一下 在句子的成分 结果 什么从句 请各位帮我分析英语句子成分!The donut tastes so good,even my teeth want to smile.中逗号后面的句子是什么成分?是什么从句? 请帮我分析下该句子的主谓宾、从句成分,与从句各成分的间的关系,One of the most common faults that English as a second language students have is the misuse of articles.其中我明白主句是“One of the most common faults 请大家帮我分析个句子成分!I always saw to it that every single cent of money raised for the revolution was spent for no other purposes.1.请大家帮我详细的分析下这个句子的成分;2:that从句中谓语动词是raised吗?那么 when polly left home that morning 请朋友们帮我分析下句子的组成成分尤其是when 和that morning在句子中 请帮我分析一下英语句子的成分!还有基本语法! why do the children thank their mother请帮我分析句子的成分 一个基础英语语法问题Uncertain about how to fix them,she stopped to think carefully.一句中为何不能在句首加上Being,请说出具体原因,最好再帮我分析一下这个句子的各个成分, 帮我分析下句子的成分,请问which引导的是什么从句?是宾语从句吗?我是从on判断出来的,请讲的详细些One tragedy in many marriages is that romantic love on which it was based never ripened into friendship. The more he flatter me ,the less I like him.请各位帮我分析这个句子的成分the +比较级,the +比较级后面跟的是句子,是比较级引导的状语从句吗? not another word of this帮我分析下这个句子的成分,或者它是个短语? Interbrand is an internationally known branding consulting company baesd in London.请帮我分析下句子的语法结构和成分?branding consulting 在这里是什么成分干什么用的? 请帮我分析一下句子的成分:If you have any idea who its owner is,please call me . There are five pairs of shoes___________ (choose) fromchoose 为什么 请大侠帮我分析一下句子的成分 It is just as you said .请大侠帮我分析下这个句子的成分.因为牵扯到几个语法成分,已经把我搞晕了,所以希望说的详细些.尤其是as, 名词性从句学的不太好,不知道引导词充当什么成分.求英语高手找几个句子帮我分析一下, 英语语法,如图,请对这个句子的结构分析下,特别是划线部分是什么结构?